My teacher said to me, “Please keep in touch and come back to visit anytime”, what should I reply? What are some polite and friendly responses? Thank you!!!

  1. “Okay, will do!” or “All right, I’ll keep that in mind”. Open, but non-committal

    It’s generally an open request but 99% of people will never go back so it doesn’t really matter what you say.

  2. Just some respectful form of “thanks”. It’s just a way of saying they liked you. There’s no obligation involved. Funnily enough, I have actually grabbed drinks with an old high-school teacher when I was back in town

  3. “While I’m very flattered, the power dynamic at play here makes your proposition completely and utterly unacceptable and you can expect to be hearing from my lawyer within the coming days.”

    Then you scream and run out of their office. You don’t have to scream *at them*. I mean you can if you want, I’m not your dad. But I mean just scream in general.

  4. Your teacher likes you as a student.

    Say, “I would like that” if you mean it and plan on coming back at some point to say hi.

    If you don’t then just say thank you for everything and I really enjoyed your class(es) if you mean it.

    Otherwise, like if you really didn’t like that teacher, just say “thank you I appreciate that.”

    Teachers don’t generally say that to just any old student they had. That is a teacher telling you they think you are a good student and they’d like to see how you do going forward.

    I can tell you without a doubt teachers love hearing from former students that do well for themselves.

  5. Say nothing and 245 days later come back and smack the lady with semi cooked salmon.

  6. It’s a pleasantry. There is no expectation that you will keep in touch or come back to visit. Just say something nice, like you enjoyed being in their class.

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