Hey and please don’t judge me, I’m just writing this to see if anyone can help or give me some advice on my situation and about the photo she sent her boss

Me and my girlfriend have been dating for 3 years now and now living together, she is 19 years old and a Latina, she is very small

She got a new job 2 months ago doing a wee accounting job in a office, the office is literally 1 room, 2 desks, a microwave and a bed (she told me that her boss sleeps over at the office sometimes) it’s my girlfriend and her boss that works in this office, they are alone all day. She has always told me that he is very nice to her and not an ass which I thought was good, better than being a asshole of a boss, over time they seem to be really close, they text a lot. I don’t really mind that to be honest

One day she was texting him a lot so I got curious and when she went to the bathroom I checked her WhatsApp messages between them and was fairly innocent except a few things, he constantly calls her beautiful, she sends selfies to him of her posing which isn’t to bad I suppose, it’s just a little weird because she is 19 and he is like 46 years old! There was something else I seen, she had sent a bikini pic of herself to him and asked him what he thought of her new bikini, he replied back saying “I miss that little body” then she replied back saying “I can’t wait to see you Monday” this was 2 weeks ago now. The photo of her in her bikini is what really got me, I’m just not sure if is harmless or not, you can dm about the photo of you like and let me know if you think is bad, don’t want to write much more about it here.

I just don’t know what to do, are they just that close or is there more going on at work? I’m saved to rock the boat also because tbh since she started working there we have been getting on so good so scared to ruin that also with what I know. Just don’t know what to do!

  1. Lots of red flags bro, definitely not normal employer/employee behaviour. I’d trust your gut on this one. Sorry to say she definitely cheating.

  2. I’m sorry bro, but if they haven’t slept with each other by now, it’s definitely something they’re considering. This isn’t employer/employee relations. Cut your losses before you go even deeper into your investment into this life shared with her

  3. Lots of this is very questionable, but the bikini photo is a bridge too far. I’m sorry. If by some chance she hasn’t cheated with him yet, she will.

  4. Jesus. Sending bikini pics to her boss is not good or professional. He’s way older than her too. Do you know if he’s married? Just ask her outright. You’ll probably be able to tell by her reaction.

  5. Bullshit alert lol – a teeney tiny bed in the teeney tiny office where just a 46 year old man and a 19 year old girl work? What in the pornhub plot is this?

  6. There is nothing harmless about that at all.

    If ‘nothing’ has happened then she will have absolutely no problem leaving this job and finding something else.

    Don’t let this slide

  7. Oh boy. Trust your instincts. Nobody sends bikini selfies to their boss unless they are fucking or want to be fucking. Nobody.

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