I’m not sure what the rules are here. But I’m not attracted to guys my own age. I just find them annoying and immature. I’ve been sleeping only with married men.

I know it’s messed up and wrong, but I like married guys bc I know they’re safe.

  1. >I know it’s messed up and wrong

    The reason you know this but also keep doing it is because just like men your own age, you too are annoying and immature.

  2. I get where you’re coming from. But that’s not “safe”. There’s a real power dynamic when the difference in age / social experience / money and status is too large. You are not seen as equal by these men and you don’t mind. They’re not good people, they go for women they can easily manipulate and don’t respect their partners either. These are not people Zoulaïha want in your life. Please take some time off seeing older men and consider talking to a professional about your sexuality and where the way you currently go about it comes from. Please take care of yourself and be careful who you surround yourself with. All the best!

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