I want to have a new haircut. And wanted to ask coworkers (cute female also) opinions and help.
How do i do this in a cool way with the build up and stuf. How do i make them invest and have fun with it. And not just to fill an obligation (there is an expression like this in my mother’s tongue)

Thanks guys

  1. depends on how well you know them! when i was deciding on a haircut, i would just go to my sister and close friends and be like “hey, i wanna cut my hair, what do u think? if you could do whatever you wanted with my hair what would you do”

    with acquaintances, if you for some reason want their opinion (i usually don’t xD), i guess you can kinda change the subject in that direction like “hey your hair looks really nice today! did you cut/dye it recently? to be honest, i’ve been thinking about cutting mine too, but i’m so indecisive, what do you think?”

    you can always ask a hairdresser what they think, too.

    but i think what makes a hairstyle look best if you like it and feel like yourself having it. other people’s opinions are secondary

  2. I would suggest a reframe. Instead of asking for opinions or help, make it not matter to you. It doesn’t matter what they think, it matters what you think. What’s your hairstyle you want to try? Why?
    Then make a decision and tell them your decision! Try to make it funny and in a way that includes them (happy to elaborate). You could start with a compliment on someone else’s hair cut.

    You get them to invest by spiking emotions and building polarity/attraction. It’s really quite simple and can become a natural character trait if you practice it.

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