I like older men, 40s-60s, but don’t know how to get with them. All I know to do is be pretty and flirt, but it goes nowhere. Like barely even glance at me longer than 5 seconds. I think the problem is I’m 29f, appear younger than my age, and I’m goofy, but seriously? I only have eyes for these men. There must be something I can do to attract them. Right?

Side note, I’m not into sugar daddies or have daddy issues, I can’t explain my sexual attraction.

  1. Keep trying. Older men like younger women, as long as they don’t act like these young tik tok 403’s.
    The ones you’ve encountered could be married and/or have families. Keep trying, you’ll find one

  2. I’m in the same boat as you! I’m (25f) but my range is more so 35-50. It’s weird because I notice them checking me out and they’ll flirt but then they just walk away and don’t get my number. Maybe they’re self conscious about their age and assume we don’t like older men? Maybe we need to be more forthcoming about our attraction to them to help squash any insecurities? Idk, if you find something that works then let a girl know!

  3. I prefer older guys too but also am 29 and look young! Maybe need to be more forward w these men as they may feel they come off creepy if they approach. Alternatively dating apps like hinge.

  4. Well, l know quite a bit about older men, and could probably answer most of your questions if you would like. DM me if so, if not, ignore this comment.

  5. I’m almost in that range so I can tell you if men find you attractive and your single, Most men will give you a chance. If that man is in a relationship or your not his type he won’t. So if you don’t see a ring, Shoot your shot. Most older men won’t put up with flirty games like winking, seductive movement like licking your lips while starring. Be direct and you’ll get results.

  6. I’m 44 and would be highly skeptical if a woman in her 20’s was interested in me; I probably just wouldn’t believe it to be honest. Logically, I know there are some women that like older men; when I was in high school one of my friends’ sister was 19 and moved in with his dad that was right around 40 and they were quite happy with each other 🤷‍♂️

    Just last night I was on Hinge and got tired of seeing all these ladies 34-44 with pictures of their dogs, skiing, or hiking on some trail so I decided to change the age range to those in their 20’s and I found their pictures more fun to look at but I kept thinking there is no way they would be into me.

    I guess if you’re really into older men then eventually you’ve got to find a decent looking guy that would take you seriously.

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