
this is my last post now for sure and I will delete myself after that. I joined reddit again to learn about things and discuss ideas.

To my suprise “again” (I already had an account) people are often super toxic here. You either role with their opinion about you or they will call you everything.

I got death thread for month because I said Crypto is a dangerous investment. (It was a 100% factual text). I ask people for help and when I say hmm did wont work because of XYZ people call me an asshole.

I realized its my fault, I dont need them you dont need them to. Many people here just to rage and vent and thats it. I got so many rude/crazy messages and few hours later they deleted their account.


**So this is my last guide:**

**Step 1. Delete reddit**

**Step 2. Become independent!**

What does it mean ? You become fully responsibly for your actions! From now on you have to think every step you do and dont take any advice from nobody. If you still struggle you can ask your friends and family but no strangers. Many here dont mean it! Its a very egoistic and toxic enviorment. People will assume people will judge. There is close to no chance having a meaningful convo. Dont get me wrong I meet some wonderful people here but also a lot of “crazy” people.

I had some few “small” problems which I hoped to get answered instead I got of of crazy answers. If you point of facts and confromt them. So many get a “meltdown” its insane.

Take care of your actions and be responsible and independent! You can always ask your bros and family for advice and thats perfectly fine but shouldnt put yourself into a dependent position.

I can name an easy situation. I bought some crypto few years ago its only 1%-2% of my total portoflio so if its go to zero it wont hurt me but my friend helped me with and to sell it. I need an active acount which I dont have (also you need a little more than that). Now I want to do something I need his help. Im totaly denpendent on him and he dont even always time which creates a shitty situation. It is no fun for me or him. Im currently setting ups all accounts but they take forever and if I knew everything from the begnning I wouldnt invest at all but I didnt think for myself and trusted solely on his opinion. If I lose it all, I wont change my life the lightest but being in this situation gives me headache. So no more.

Work on yourself, live is really wonderful and you matter ! Never forget it. Dont compare yourself to others and be toxic to other just to feel better ! Instead look for your problems and take care of yourself. You are free to interpret as you wanted !


I realized my live is good and I dont need any help. Nobody is perfect and thats fine. I have wonderful friends which I do anything with them, I have my dream gf since 10 years. I created and stlill create so many great memories with them and I was dumb enough to think I can get it better here!


I will stay online for the next 24h if you have any question after that Im gone. Wish you the best.

  1. Bruh you don’t need to delete reddit just bc some asshat is mean to you like just ignore them they are probably some edgy 10 y.o if they are sending death threats over a fucking opinion. I use my account to look at memes and learn how to draw and assholes exist (and sometimes im the asshole) like you cant please everyone so just pretend that the disturbing minority of asshats dont exist (its fairly easy)

  2. If you don’t like it just delete it no need to post you’re gonna delete it then invite more strangers to give potentially negative feedback that you’re not looking for for an additional 24hrs like bro what

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