I just found out that I am trans and I’m not sure if I should date anyone until I pass as a guy? I don’t want to go into a relationship and then my potential partner freak out.

  1. I think pretransition is fine as long as the other party knows what to expect and are ok with the situation.

  2. You’d need to be upfront with anyone you’re dating. If you’re transitioning to male, and you’re dating a heterosexual cis male as a female presenting person, they may be unhappy that you’re effectively challenging their sexuality by asking them to continue dating you.

    Better to let them know at the start so there are no misunderstandings. Good luck.

  3. Theirs nothing wrong with dating now. Just be open about it.

    If you’re on dating apps either put it in your bio or tell them on the first date. If you tell them on the first date then you get their first reactions.

  4. It is going to be harder but might as well try as long as you are up front about it and aim for open minded people.

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