Today I went to a pizza place, and the thing is, the pizza place is near a fancier restaurant where I went a couple of times with my ex (F). The while I was waiting for my pizza I started to feel an irrational anxiety that I would run into her and started thinking of the good times we had there, and then how we ended up.
We ended up very badly, which also broke my heart profoundly. The thing is, that event happened 2 years ago and I still felt like that today. Not even going to the place where we used to go, a place nearby.
Am I the only one who feels the same way when you go to places where you used to spend time with a loved one?

TLDR Who else feels anxious when going to places where you went with an ex?

  1. Your feelings are valid and your thoughts are just intrinsic thoughts.

    Can’t help the way you feel.

  2. Me – but in my case it’s because my husband died two years ago. Grief is grief, and it’s what you are suffering.

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