For those who are multiracial, but look white: how do people treat you/act once they find out you’re not fully white?

  1. Yeah they think I’m lying. So I usually don’t talk about it, even if they find out.

  2. I got a story for this!
    When I worked in a government clinic I was always thought to be Caucasian and people would talk smack about me while in the room. I been there sometime, was having a rather busy day and these women started gossiping. I mean shit talking about me, not knowing the struggles of being Latin. OhHhHh!! Right as I was going to chime in one of my regulars stepped in and tore their ass a whole new one! Ahahaha!!! I proceeded by handing them their pamphlets etc in Spanish – Que tengas un bonito día y que dios de bendiga 😉😘

  3. Sometimes I’ll get asked if I’m Filipino, Puerto Rican (I wish!!), or “some type of Korean” whatever that means. Then asked if I speak Spanish, do you write it?!, read it! Ayyyy!

  4. I’m mixed and it is always an awkward conversation when someone says something that they wouldn’t have if they knew. I’ve had comments about “how do you know how to cook that” or “wow adventurous eater”. I usually explain it’s just stuff my mum cooked growing up. For the most part irl people just have questions about what my background is. My mom is much darker then me my dads French Canadian genetics just dominated lol.
    Online is a different story people are a lot more rude. Some feel I need to “prove” I’m mixed by showing pictures of my mum. I don’t have to do anything.

  5. Generally people have little reaction to my background as I am light skinned, however sometimes They make jokes about my family name. And there are also people who deny my identity because of my skin color. I especially hate when people try to define who I really am.

  6. “Oh THAT’S why you look like that”. I’ve gotten this one several times from rando strangers. Still can’t tell if it’s meant to be a good thing or a bad thing. :/

  7. They usually say “I knew you looked exotic” or something like that but don’t treat me much differently. What’s more telling is how some people have acted around me *before* realizing I’m mixed and also Jewish. People get way too comfortable saying fucked up things.

  8. Such a bummer this is still a thing. I am not biracial but when people find out I’m Hispanic it ticks me off when they say “you don’t look it”. Wtf do I look like?

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