I (f33) have had interest in getting my nipples pierced since I was a teenager but have never done it. I lost interest for a long time but am interested again now. I’m concerned, though, because my nipples are a HIGH pleasure point for me and I’m weary of piercings taking away from that. I could do research but I really want real reviews/ expectations of how it will impact that part of sex.

TIA, first time posting, take it easy please.

  1. Depends from person to person, but it’s hot as fuck if you ask me. My tip here: just get one. You’ll keep one nipple as is, and maybe you’ll see that the Piercing doesn’t change how things feel and you can still get a second.

  2. I’d do one first if you’re worried about it. From what I’ve heard it’s a 50/50 either enhances your feeling/pleasure or reduces it by a lot. For me personally I didn’t know this going in, I got both of mine done at once and thankfully it heightened the sensation and pleasure. But I’ve had a couple friends who got both done and had the opposite. Also just want to add that the heightened sensation can be annoying sometimes. If I snag or knock anything on my nipple it KILLS!

  3. I have both and tbh I notice no significant changes but there’s the healing period of about a year where they can’t be licked etc.

  4. Amazing to gently suck on every girl I’ve been with that has them shakes when they’re sucked on

  5. I had one of mines done and it was a terrible idea🤣 and it is not about the pain when you get it done, that is quick and it will heal fast. But I was hoping for some extra pleasure from it. Man I was wrong😃 In the first 1-2 weeks, it was sensitive and felt good but after that, nothing🤷🏻‍♀️ also was in the way many times when getting dressed, you have to be very careful not to pull on it, cause it hurts like shit.

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