Okay, so this is mainly to talk about it because I can’t believe it, and for assistance. My best friend, he knows this girl, they recently met, platonic from what I know. One day, they’re talking, and gaming is brought up, which leads my friend to bring up me. Apparently she was pretty curious and he picked up her meaning, which led to him giving her all the information he knows about me to her, and showed her what I look like. She said I was cute and would fuck me. Oh my God. I’m not that good looking to begin with, and my friend showed her the worst possible pictures of me. One where I was bald and the other on his bed playing Xbox, in an unflattering position. And she knows my personality, something I’m self conscious about, because I feel like I’m annoying. But even with all that info, she still said she would fuck. My friend said she kinda looks Lana Rhoades before plastic surgery, an 8/10 ass, kinda chubby, is a top, older than me, and wants to “teach” me. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS. Apparently she was serious because my friend asked for dick length to give to her, and what she wanted (6.5-7), which I fortunately pass. Unfortunately, she has a busy schedule, so out meeting isn’t set in stone just yet.

Issue is, I’m a virgin, and I don’t want to completely rely on her teachings to make her feel good. My friend said there were 3 outcomes. 1. I do bad, she ghosts me (she wants sex, not a relationship) 2. I do good, but it’s a one time thing 3. I do good, it becomes a more than once thing. I want 3. Number 1 would fuck my confidence up, and 2 is kinda neutral, but with a negative aftertaste, because that means she doesn’t want to do it again.

She would be my first kiss, first time having sex, shit like that. (Funny, because I don’t even know her name. She knows about me, I don’t really know about her.)It’s normal for my age range, I’m not that much of a loser. Another issue is that she apparently smokes weed, and I still live with my parents, so I don’t want to go home smelling like that because I’ll be in the deepest shit, and I wouldn’t really have a good explanation. “Oh, I went to go fuck this girl and she started to smoke, not my fault” won’t work in the slightest. Anything would be helpful. I really don’t want to fuck up.

  1. Get her number, cut out the middle man and just be honest with her. You can’t hide what you are, she will know, she already knows. If she wants to fuck you then let her, you can’t control the outcome and the more you try to the more you will fuck it up because you’re an inexperienced bumbling cuntpuffin just like we all were as male virgins.

    Accept that it will most likely be a one time thing. If she comes back that’s a bonus but don’t *try* to make that happen.

    You’re not going to surprise her by being a virgin sex god. But you might surprise her if you’re a chilled out, caring and honest man who she can be herself around even just for one night. Do you know how rare it is for beautiful women to meet a man like that? Of course you don’t. But it is.

  2. If this ISNT fake, you should meet up with her first and tell her this 🙂

    When someone finds someone attractive, it usually takes alot to take away their interest, and it may sound like she knows the you your friend sees and knows. Being open in advance can even increase attraction. I say be yourself, talk with her about it if it feels right, and do it if it feels right

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