What makes a guy attractive, what about a specific dude makes you obsessed vs another dude who you hardly even notice. And I’m not speaking in terms of looks I mean personality and actions/words he uses or things he does.

  1. I’m 24 and I just want to preface this by saying I hold traditional values and want a traditional relationship so what I say probably doesn’t represent the majority of women around my age. But I’m very attracted to masculine providers with good hearts. I love how they make me feel so safe and protected with them. I love how intelligent they are. I love their values. I love how hard working and driven they are I love how strong and powerful they are. There’s something about their masculine energy that drives me wild sexually and I just can’t get enough of them. I love how loving and caring they are and how kind they are. I’m extremely turned on by masculine men and I feel very safe and emotional full filled with them

  2. Personality wise for me, when they take initiative, when they handle themselves at social events, when they’re comfortable talking about sex but are not crass about it, when they have their own hobbies and social circles. Assertiveness is a big one for me, it does all sorts of wonders 🙂

  3. For me I like a guy who is confident but not like cocky. I think it’s cool when a guy isn’t afraid to take the initiative and is thoughtful! Empathy is important too.

  4. I’m attracted to a man who can be devoted to me and to our future. Devotion is something rare today and I want a man who is willing to take care of me and our children in the future.

  5. 23, For me it his way of being funny but respectful. Knowing how to talk to me with understanding but at same time tease in loving way. A “gentle”man. Ask questions but never pushing the boundaries and if he did, he would ask. (He was kinda perfect 😭🙃) Being straight forward like a strong tree. Lol, I know werid comparison but thats how i saw it.

    Now the guy who does to much. I thought he was cute so I said hi but he kept saying oh, your so adorable…queen how may I serve you,…wow, your so sexy. This was the 1st 30 min of talking…it made me feel uncomfortable. I know it was just compliments but the pushing made me feel that way. If he would’ve stop at adorable, would’ve been perfect. A little bit goes a long way for me.

  6. 29 here and what attracted me to my bf is how open he was to communicating and talking about big topics

  7. i like a man who moves in silence. doesn’t brag about his dick and his women or how good he is at sex. someone that i can have a level headed conversation with. also dark hair and dark eyes

  8. 28(f) and for me, kind men who show effort and investment in me is attractive. I don’t notice low effort men no matter how hot or rich they are because what he has or how he looks means nothing if he is not willing to invest in a future with me.

    My current bf courted me and wooed me before I committed to him because he made me feel secure

  9. – confidence
    – kindness
    – attentive
    – uses eye contact when listening to me speak (aka really paying attention and showing they’re invested in what I’m saying)
    – respectful
    – funny

  10. One thing that’s so underrated is “the look”. Some guys have it mastered where they make you feel like they’re undressing you with their eyes but somehow at the same time picturing their life with you lol all in a very playful yet respectful way. Perfect example is James Franco and his flirty eye contact smile he does. I don’t even find him attractive and he’s rumored to be a pretty bad guy but damn that look

  11. 27. Intelligence is a must. I can’t do without it. And kindness, of course. Someone who does not want kids as it is my case and you can’t compromise on that. Sensible to social injustices ’cause I need someone to comfort me when I cry in front of the news. Other than that, I’m pretty open.

  12. F22, I prefer guys who smells and looks nice and academically wise (specifically in Math). Idc abt the height blahblah.

  13. I find almost all guys repulsive, even though I am straight. The majority of men make me uncomfortable. I like those who make me feel safe and who approach for friendship rather than someone who gives off the vibe that they “expect” something sexual from me. Basically men who “don’t mind being friendzoned”. Men who respect boundaries and don’t come off too abrasive. Kindness and gentleness is a must. If they ever raise their voice it’s a huge deal breaker.

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