BEFORE READING: this is not my personal story. A friend of mine asked to make this post with my account, since she does not want to make one only for this post an then never use it again. Also, i dont know if this is the correct subreddit to post such a story, so if it isnt, please suggest me a more correct one 🙂

Last week i was out with my friends, we had a pizza and after that we moved in this bar to grab a drink. While driving back home, i stopped at a gas station because i had to refuel the car; just after getting out of the car, i saw him, in front of me, refueling his car. At first i thought he was someone who looked like him; he lives 40km far from my city, and he never comes in my area. But it was definitely him. Our relationship lasted one and a half year. At that time i was a 17 years old, i was very immature, i didnt know what i needed, what i wanted, and then i made bullshit over bullshit. I unconsciously made EVERYTHING to push him away. And the funny thing is that the one who ended the relationship was me, and i did that to date another guy. I tried keeping a friendly relationship, but he refused and told me he would have completely erased me from his life, and that i must not text him ever again. I thought he was saying such things because he was frustrated, but after trying many other times, i understood he was serious. He blocked me and my friends on every social and i do not have a single way to know how he his and what he’s doing. Last time i heard him was 5 years ago, when he made clear that he didnt wanna see me anymore. After that, he disappeared. Until last friday. When i saw him, i couldnt believe my eyes. I greeted him, but he ignored me. He just looked at me for a few instants, then refuelled the car and went away. I did the same thing, but while driving, i had to stop the car because i bursted out in tears. When we were together, he had short hair, and he always repeated me that he wanted to make them grow. They grow a lot, he has lost a lot of weight, and even a better outfits than he used to have. He also had a way better car than the junk he used to have. He became a completely different person. It has already passed a lot of time when i realized all the bad things i did when we were together, but seeing he has changed that much was really a punch in the stomach. I miss him. A lot. I really feel the worst scum of the Earth. I dont know where he lives now, what he is doing, but i really hope he’s ok and he is continuing to pursue his goals. He is a very smart and willingly guy, but he lives in a very toxic enviroment and this always got in his way and worsened everything. I hope his situation got better. Deep down, i hope he will forgive me one day, but i think i had the definitive proof that he will never do. Now, to him, i am only a stranger. A NPC, a face you see and forget the next day. And this really destroys me from the inside. I wish you the best, i am really sorry to everything i have done to you. I really love you a lot, even if you dont know. And sadly, you will never.

  1. Still immature. You have to see his new car, his new haircut and style to understand that you had feelings for him and I don’t understand what’s your point of writing this now

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