Could be familial, romantic and platonic relationships! Would love to get an explanation on the why, whether you were right to do it or not!

  1. Children and shared businesses. Complications of leaving out weighed the situation… in saying that the love was still there if that wasn’t things would be different.

    Still don’t know if I made the right choice 🤷🏼‍♀️ only time will tell

  2. I gave my baby daddy a second chance. He left when I was pregnant with our eldest and said he was going to rehab.

    I gave him a second chance when our son was 2 almost 3 because I didn’t want my son growing up like I did without a dad. Worst mistake I’ve ever made

  3. Because he was my dad. I kept thinking surely this time he’d keep his promises, he deserved another chance, a good daughter would give her father a second chance…never mind that we were up to the 47th chance by this point, approximately. I never did find the courage to stop giving him second chances on my own, it wasn’t until his behaviour hurt my little sister that I was able to get angry and allow the consequences of his actions to happen

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