Recently one my girl friends said something along the lines of “Yeah I don’t have much to offer,would you accept getting married to me?”. It was clearly a joke,didn’t feel like she was self deprecating or anything. Is this a sign she wouldn’t mind being a relationship with me? I’m not desperate to get with her,just wondering,who hates a little confidence boost from time to time? lol. She’s affectionate towards but in a catty/coy way,so I can’t clearly tell.


TL:DR: Girl friend might be flirting,might be not. I’m not sure lol.

  1. It’s very hard to know without a ton more context. I joked about wanting to marry a friend of mine when I found out she could bake fresh bread. I’m not even attracted to women; it was just meant as a joking way to talk about how awesome I thought the skill was (and how tasty bread is). I don’t know what she was thinking when she said that, but it sounds like it was about her needing a self-esteem boost – and beyond that, who knows?

  2. You could always try joking back that you would consider marrying her. Or you could just ask her nicely if she was joking.

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