Based on a post today,

What American trends do you hope that the UK never adapt?

What American trends do you hope that the UK never adopts? from AskUK

I was wondering about the opposite. What do you hope that we DO adapt?

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  2. Not much tbh with you. Well, I like their candy and some of their whiskeys. But that is about it. USA is currently on fire internally, so don’t really want to have to do much with them.

  3. I’d like a constitution like they have where the rights are self evident and “god given” rather than ours which is more gifted by the government and can therefore be removed by the gov.

  4. Digging deep here and trying to think of something:

    I like they have major cities across the country. We have London and that’s about it. Yes you could argue we have Manchester and Edinburgh more north but they don’t have the same investment and job market like London has. There are certain careers that forces you to move close to or in London to progress further. This sucks if your hometown is really far away.

  5. American style BBQ, relaxed cannabis laws, localised democracy with actual power.

  6. Probably legalise cannabis. Money being wasted fighting a ‘war’ which can never be won.

  7. Having their engineering salaries would be nice. Nothing else about their job “culture” or working arrangements though

  8. Can I be specific and say their *attitude* to going to the dentist?

    This **doesn’t** include: The price nor the obsession with cosmetic appearance.

    And yes yes I know there’s studies that show UK teeth are healthier.

    But what I do like is their openess in going to the dentist. There seems to be… Less fear, less reluctance to go. It seems to be a lot more positive feeling about going rather than it being seen as a massive inconvenience, or something to fear.

  9. A film industry, frisbee golf, land prices, optimism. There are lots of British things that I wouldn’t want to lose in a trade, though.

  10. The lack of “don’t get ideas above your station”, though too often insularity results in the same thing.

    Minimum living spaces and good quality medium-rise apartment blocks.


    Honor roll and secondary schools bigging up the kids who do their homework and all.

    Self-sufficiency when it comes to repairing houses and cars – you might choose to get someone in but it’s assumed you want to know how to fix it yourself.

  11. Their acceptance of eSports. In America and other countries competitive gaming is widely accepted and even encouraged yet here you get called all sorts of names if you’re good at a game/ spend hours playing a game.

  12. Going to a bar and sitting down and having the server brings you your drinks, and you just pay once at the end.

    Honestly, spending half your night in a packed bar just trying to order a few pints is so stupid. Constantly being jostled, people jumping the queue, paying on each trip so you end up with loads of coins in your pocket by the end of the night.

    MUCH prefer the bar culture over here

  13. Not being obsessed with another country.

    Seriously every other post is a smug circle jerk about looking down on Americans.

  14. As impractical as it is due to existing infrastructure, I’d love to see more American saloon cars on the roads.

    Also even modest houses over there are usually detached with front and back gardens.

  15. How they admire successful people, and how they aspire to be successful.

    Sadly, I think “the American dream” is not something that can be replicated in the UK (or anywhere else, for that matter).

    The UK is a bad place to be for ambitious people.

  16. Informed consent for certain treatments and surgeries, rather than needing a medical diagnosis.

  17. Probably going to be controversial but tiny houses and trailer parks.
    How people have to live is too restricted to bricks and mortar, people should have the option of cheap places to live.
    Just make it so they have to be sited on brownfield land and limit how many per site to appease nimbys. Now letting them out – all privately owned including the footprint land of the tiny house or trailer.

    I know static caravan parks exist but I wouldn’t say they’re the same. Most aren’t year-round residential and when they are they’re usually for over-50s. There’s also the problem of you being at the whim of the park owner.

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