What minor thing pisses you off more than it should?

  1. Eating impolitely. My dad moans when he eats and it’s off putting. I also don’t like loud chewing.

  2. whenever anyone is in the kitchen when i’m cooking. i don’t know why but i swear it drives me insane.

  3. Influencer worship and social media culture.

    I already have enough BS going on in my own life. I don’t have time to GAF about which Kardashian is currently pregnant or to watch someone I will never lay eyes on rant about their latest breakup in a staged and attention-seeking YouTube video. I also don’t want to ever hear from someone that they learned about what’s happening in Ukraine or how to raise their credit score because they sAw a post on Tiktok or other social media app. Read or watch the dang news and get advice from a creditable and reliable resource.

    I also am not going to waste time and money buying clothes I quite frankly don’t want anyways, to follow trends I could care less about, or to take posed photos and try to make my life look “perfect” for everyone else to consume. I don’t ever want a stupid app to tell me that I am not enough for not having X amount of friends or not following a specific trend or way of being. Because I am enough and unapologetically myself, as long as I am a kind and decent participant in society

  4. People saying “could of” and ernestly believing that they just spoke a logically coherent sentence.

    There’s mispronunciation and then there’s having a wet piece of toast for brains. I only have tolerance for one of the two.

  5. easily detecteable lies. Like, if you lie to me, at least put effort into it.

    Also bad table manners, being informal without asking first, wandering around in my appartment, eating in my car, commenting on my style or makeup, not putting books back the way you found it (or give them back with dogs ears etc.), leaving your cart out in the parking lot, taking up more than one space in a parking lot, not putting groceries back where you found them in a grocery store

    honestly, I could go on for days

  6. One-sided conversations. You could be talking to someone and they’re just uninterested, or they’re talking so much that you’re struggling to keep up.

  7. When easy open things aren’t easy. When the can tab breaks off, the milk seal tab rips off, tearing above the tear here line so I have to get scissors out. I don’t know if this only happens to me but I slightly feel crazy when it happens lol.

  8. When I see obvious mistakes in online news articles. My brain acts as if the entire news piece and outlet is now discredited.

  9. people being rude to my friends. it’s not even my problem yet ill get fired up if they say one thing bad about them

  10. people biting their spoon. i get biting your fork because more often than not, the food on it requires the teeth. but a spoon? YOUR MOUTH FITS AROUND IT TO NOT BITE IT

  11. When i drop something or knock something over. For some reason I get unreasonably angry for like 15 seconds lol.

  12. people who bring dogs into closed spaces (like indoors at a hair salon). there’s no reason to force the rest of us to have to breathe in some nasty smelly dog air. leave them outside.

    ive legit had to leave a salon in the middle of my appointment because of this. dog owners are so fucking entitled sometimes.

  13. Being a nasty person. Coughing/sneezing into the air around other people, not washing your hands/picking your nose in front of other people. Being smelly, like I get that there’s times you may stink and you aren’t aware, but if it’s an everyday thing then that’s just bad hygiene. This is minor to a lot of people but this pisses me off

  14. Raspberry seeds stuck between my teeth, someone holding a fork incorrectly when they eat, and people who don’t use their turn signal.

  15. People who play music/videos on their phones without headphones while on the bus. I feel rage.

  16. Having to repeat myself multiple times. It depends on the context why it bothers me. For example, if I have to repeat something that was emotionally vulnerable to say, it’s more discomfort than anger. But if you asked me a question and continued texting and then ask sorry what because you clearly didn’t pay attention, or were so busy preparing your response in a conversation to listen to my words and so ask me to repeat myself, etc, I am enraged.

    I was a trainer for years, so I am used to repeating myself for the purpose of teaching, reinforcing and clarifying. I’m actually really patient with people mose of the time. But repeating myself in conversation sometimes makes me mad.

  17. When people write LOOSE when they mean LOSE
    Other common/simple spelling mistakes don’t bother me much but for whatever reason this one really gets to me

  18. When one of the first things someone says to me when I meet them is “I’m a vegan”

    Why do they do that? I JUST Met you and that’s the first thing you say…?

  19. When I’m listening to my iPod and I trip or move the wrong way and my earbuds fall out.

  20. When my sister complains when I buy great value nutella but then proceeds to eat half of the damn jar 😭

  21. Someone waking me out of my sleep prematurely because they are slamming doors or being loud in general

  22. Walking pass a mirror in public and not liking my reflection. Now I’m going to feel bad for the remainder of the day unless another mirror can make me feel better

  23. Cleaning the kitchen with others around. Don’t know why- I can clean the rest of the apartment just fine- but the kitchen I must be alone for or I won’t do it

  24. people screaming as a reaction to something mildly surprising happening, i can’t deal with it, it always feels like massively attention-seeking behavior and it just grinds my gears.

    also being touched randomly or when i can’t see the person touching me coming up to me, i don’t even know why it happens as i like being touched by almost everyone but no matter who’s doing the touching, i’ll just flinch away and feel immediately uncomfortable.

  25. People who stand right in front of doorways you answer a text. Like bruh! Keep walking!

  26. People commenting on my weight/eating habits.

    I am on the thinner side, but regardless of my size, I do not appreciate it when people body shame me or draw unnecessary attention to what/how much I’m eating.

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