I’m not exactly head over heels for her but it still bums me out. We met online and we’ve been talking for a while.

As we were playing a game together and getting ready to stop, she tells me that she’s gonna go play with her boyfriend. I didn’t really know how to react so I just responded by saying I was going go to the gym anyways.

Since we’ve talked there’s been chemistry and flirting but I’m not sure how long she’s had a boyfriend for.

What should I do? I didn’t really think of her as a serious love interest until she told me she was in a relationship, now I want her more. It’s messed up.

I would appreciate any advice given.

TLDR: I’ve been talking and casually flirting with this girl for a while but she’s told me she has a boyfriend. What should I do?

  1. Straight up, just cut ties and find someone else to game with, save yourself the headache. If she’s flirting with you and has a boyfriend, she will more than likely flirt with other dudes while in a relationship with you. You’re just some dude online to her. Her boyfriend is probably just some dude online to her too. Don’t date your RuneScape girlfriend, they just want your shit.

  2. So, I don’t understand how any sort of relationship can happen over the internet. I can see initial attraction etc.. but beyond that, I think it is fraught with peril. You haven’t met her. Every thought you have is based on an image of her. You base everything on your perception of an image and what is said over video. Nothing in real life. Where does she live? How old is she really? Does she really have a boyfriend. You really can’t answer any of these until you know her. And I mean know her in person.

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