What would you say makes a man a “man”?

  1. Two ways. Internally, perform any action while identifying your actions as coming from a masculine place. This is recognising yourself as a man.

    Externally, people will refer to you as a boy or whatever and then one day they’ll switch to man and then you’re being a man in the social sense.

  2. Accept his shortcommings, and do something about them instead of blaming external factors. Acknowledge, accept and own your fears/weaknesses.

  3. Only woman ask this question.
    It’s usually an insult caused by the feelings of a girl that got hurt because a guy wouldn’t waist his money, time or give her the attention she felt she deserved. Usually followed with public insults towards or about the guy so she feels she got him back. Because that’s how women abuse guys by publicly belittling them.

  4. Depends on the context. Biologically it’s the chromosomes difference and reproductive systems etc. But if it’s the standard context we always hear, then being a man is about strength, chivalry, courage, assertiveness, confidence.

  5. Reproduction strategy, nature didn’t spend resources into men, so we are cheaper and more diverse. And thus men either build something to have value or they die alone, forgotten.

    *Men don’t have inherent value, that makes a man.*

  6. Being a provider and a protector. IMO everything else is kinda dependent on where you live and what beliefs you subscribe to, but these two things are universal in most every culture.

  7. You must swift as a coursing river, with all the force of great typhoon, with all the strength of raging fire, mysterious as the dark side of the moon.

  8. To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.

  9. It’s the balance of being able to take counsel and having a firm understanding of who you are and what you want from life.

    . . . and not giving s fuck what other people think.

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