I meet my girlfriend once in about 6 months for a few days as we are in Long distance relationship since 5 years. We do make out & give oral to each other. But when it comes to penetration, she refuses everytime.
Last visit was first time I attempted penetration while using a condom, but she said no again. Now her periods are late & she is blaming me for that. Luckily her test came negative & now she says “no more” because of the scare.
I believe this relationship is unsustainable but I love her very much. I don’t know what to do?? Please help

  1. Have you asked her why she doesn’t want to have PIV? It sounds like she has a lot of anxiety about accidental pregnancy, which is something that puts a huge number of women off PIV sex.

    That being said, you’re a more patient man than I. I don’t think I’d have stuck with her this long.

  2. I knew somebody who was in the same situation , but she was the girl. The reason she was scared to have sex was a paralysing fear of getting pregnant. I live in the UK but if you’re in the US in a state where abortion is illegal, just imagine the fear a woman will have in case of an accidental pregnancy she will be unable to terminate – my friend’s boyfriend ultimately cheated on her and proved he was a dick anyway, but my friend said if he’d comforted her and offered more methods of contraception than just a condom and hoping for the best, she would actually have had sex with him. She even wanted to, but his frustration rather than solutions were what ultimately ruined their relationship. Hope this helps!

  3. Try to talk to her about it? I mean there must be a reason why she is refusing. Maybe she’s scared, maybe she has had painful past experiences, etc.

  4. I have a similar situation with my bf. The reason why I refuse PIV is because I have very bad anxiety about getting pregnant, it’s almost irrational. If that’s the case here, I suggest you talk to her and try to get some birth control (The one that works for her) and also use a condom.

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