I’m a 13 year old boy, I was born with a deadly genetic disease called DMD I will lose ability to walk before 20s and die in my 30s or 40s. I have no friends. I’m only about 5’1’ tall and I’m depressed, I’m always mean to my family because I’m always in bad mood. Those are the reasons why I think I’m the most unlucky person, I want to cry 24/7.

  1. Some people don’t have families due to other people taking them. There’s no totem poll for luck in the world, we are dealt cards and it is up to us on how to play em!

  2. No, you are not the unlucky person but you are choosing that as the option to not change your circumstances.

    Some can be limiting yes – but others are how you chose to respond!

  3. Life just sucks and it’s unfair. I’m sorry you have that stupid disease. You’re allowed to be angry and scream and let it all out. Don’t let anyone tell you how to feel. I was just diagnosed with cancer at 20 years old not long ago and it makes me want to cry 24/7 too, I wish I could give you a hug kid. 🙁

  4. First Im sorry you were born with this deadly disease. Second, nobody said life was fare. We get dealt pretty shitty hands in life. How you respond is what matters. You have every right to be mad for this. Do you want to be remembered by your reaction or by your actions? It’s up to you to choose how you want to spend the rest of your life. I wasn’t born w a genetic disorder I did however have my life changed by a back surgery. It saved my life. I was 34. I live in a wheelchair daily now but im still here. I live in a lot of pain and it puts me into a bad mood some days. Cant help it. What I can help is telling my people around what im feeling. You dont have to do this alone. Our journey’s short or long should be spent loving and living to the fullest. Nobody is promised tomorrow kid. Have you gone to therapy? It can help you reconcile some of your feelings. Im so sorry kid.

  5. Life deals us all different cards to play with and we just have to make the best out of them. If I was to give you any advice is to make the most of life and experience as many things as you want so you don’t regret it later if you won’t be able to do it then. Height doesn’t matter, you’re young so probably will grow still but even if you don’t it’s all about confidence and social skills how well you can interact with people. Maybe start going to the gym to build a routine or some kind of hobby you can do with others that you enjoy. That way you’ll feel better and be able to do more activities, as well as likely make friends in that hobby or gym. Which should improve social skills and confidence etc. Your life isn’t destined to be bad because of this disease as long as you make the most of it and enjoy life man :). There’s plenty of subreddits for different hobbies, gym advice, talking to strangers to improve social skills so you can improve all of those areas that you feel you’re lacking so that you can go out and talk to strangers and find some new friends, or to take a vacation to some cool place together and make an experience. You could get a job also like a cashier or at a restaurant to improve social skills and to get some more money to spend on experiences etc. live life man and make the most of it!

  6. I’m sure there are a lot of reasons to love you. This is shit and I’m really sorry you’re going through it. Nonetheless, I hope you will meet people to be your friends and who will make you happy. I never thought I would, but I did. You can too. You’re worth loving, and you deserve to be loved

  7. Well there’s a lot of competition if you’re talking about the most unlucky person in the world. But with the information you’ve given I would say you’re at least in the top 5% of unluckiest people, hey maybe even 1%. But remember that there are many ways in which one can be unlucky.

  8. Try and live everyday like it’s your last, in a good way. Put yourself out there, talk to people, make friends. Who cares if you feel shy, do you really want to continue on alone? Im an introvert that struggles with depression, it’s in my genes. It took many years but I’ve managed to put myself out there a little at work and make new friends. You can do the same at school. Try and start some conversation, try to get in with a group. Then you will have many friends and be happier. Hope this helps

  9. just the thought of dying young has always made cry,im only 15,i cant imagine the pain you’re going through,but dont be so harsh on yourself,life can always be exciting,im sorry if this is too generic but this is all i can say right now,i wish you the best

  10. Have you tried emotional therapy/counseling? Is there such a thing as gene therapy for DMD? I have heard of gene therapy for other genetic diseases, but I’m not sure about DMD. Also, if you are depressed, it may be a chemical disbalance. I have that and have found ways to cope. A viable option may be to take antidepressants or exercise if you want to.

    Plus one thing that helped me gain stability in my life is religion, through Church. I’m living a way harder life than I was 5 years ago, but I’m much happier now that I have God with me as well.

    1 more thing:

    I’m really sorry about your situation. Since you’ve posted this in social skills, I’ll tell you a few things about that.

    1. Everyone has unique difficulties of their own and are unlucky in their own way. For you, life is especially hard. You need to cope with these difficulties if you want to be happy.
    2. If you’re struggling with social skills in general, read Dale Carnegie’s “How to Win Friends and Influence People.” It’s good for socially challenged people like me. 🙂
    3. 5’1 isn’t short for a 13 year old boy, or girl for that matter. Most boys go through puberty later than girls, and if you’re a late bloomer on top of that, you’ll be waiting for a bit.

    P.S. I hope you find peace and happiness in your life.

  11. wish you best man,i know how it feels to be young and scared of the future,but dont be so harsh on yourself or on your family,it will only make things worse for you mentally

  12. Then you’ve got 20 to 30 years to make the most of it. With such little time on earth don’t waste any of it for the love of god

  13. I’m so sorry to hear this, little brother. Try your best to keep yourself busy with the things you love and enjoy. Love yourself and those around you. God, I’m so sorry buddy.

  14. I feel your pain. It sucks that you were diagnosed with a deadly disease, but you’re not unlucky. Some people die right when they’re born after their mother’s womb. You’re mean to your family because of your depression, yet they haven’t left your side. I don’t have that many friends, but I’m glad to have the ones who have approached me. In life, you get somethings and somethings not. You should concentrate more on the things that you can control like your attitude. I never thought that religion would make such a difference on my life through its philosophy rather than school teaching the Golden Rule. You need to look at life in a different direction. There is always a rainbow around the corner.

  15. Everyone has a reason on why they are in the situation they are, in these years you will experience something extraordinary that normal people will never experience, this is how life is, it’s balanced, just be open minded and look for the opportunities

  16. Is there an online support group for this disease? Sometimes, it really does take other people who know what you’re going through to help one feel better

  17. You have two options, be sad about what it is or think of ways to make maximum out of what you have. It’s very obvious what you should choose.

    We need to make the best out of what we have. Even if you are facing problems, you are pushing away your parents- people who care about you the most in this world. By pushing away loved ones and family you will only become sadder.

    Today cry and be as sad as you want. But tomorrow when you get up, put a smile on your face and take this world head on. All the best!

  18. I’m so sorry you’ve been dealt a shit hand mate. My LO has been diagnosed with a similar condition. A degenerative disease of the muscles. He has a shorter life expectancy though but you know how I look at it as a mother of 6 kids. I have 5 healthy children and one who isn’t, but just because we know what the future holds for our youngest doesn’t mean our other children will live long healthy lives. Of course we hope they do but life’s unpredictable and we all have an expiration date, we just don’t know how or when.
    I lost my healthy, full of life baby brother at the age of 21 in a workplace accident. I thank god every day that he lived his life to the full for the time he was here on earth. PLEASE do the same! Life isn’t guaranteed for anyone sweetheart. My eldest is 16 and my second eldest is 15. I don’t know much about this platform but if I could get an email address, I know they’d be keen to add you to their social media platforms. They’re good kids! If there is a way we can make that happen, let me know. Sending the biggest virtual hugs xx

  19. It sucks you have this disease. I suggest you make the most of the life you have. By being alive you have been given an opportunity to experience this world although its not ideal.

  20. That sounds horrible. Make sure to use every moment to its full potential. Make a bucket list and do everything as long as you are still able to.

  21. Buddy. I’m so sorry. If you’re not already having therapy/counselling, please go if you can. There’s a lot of big issues on your young shoulders and you shouldn’t have to process all that on your own. Also, speak to your parents. Tell them how you feel.

    Eventually, when you start to find some joy in life again, others will be drawn to you.

    Big hugs kiddo.

  22. No one here will understand you OP, normal people never will. I recomend talking with other people with similar problems and health issues. Those are the ones that wil undertand how you fell and speak about it.

  23. My brother had a debilitating illness diagnosed as a 6 year old. He had a rough kind of epilepsy. He got surgery that left him intellectually disabled, one arm paralyzed and walking with some difficulty. He is now 43 years old but is on a level of a 11 year old

    What i found really helped his quality of life is clubs for people like him. In my city there are non-profit organizations that focus on people like that to socialize with each other.

    At first there were only general clubs for anyone with disability so my brother who watches power rangers would hang out with someone who is a war vet. But over time more specialized clubs appeared so his now in clubs with people more like him but he still visits his friends form the old club.

    He has girlfriend and a more active social life than i have. So i recommend to you to look in few years for people with similar condition. That doesn’t mean you can only hang out with people with disability but it will bring more solace and understanding to your life.

  24. If you feel inclined I think psychedelics would benefit you tremendously in becoming a person you are happier with, a change in perspective if you will and lose the fear of death

  25. Maybe get into music as a hobby and just start learning to sing, play a musical instrument, go on YouTube and learn more about music/listen to more music

    – also a good way to get depression under control is to make a list. Sounds weird but it’s about putting it in writing. What are my goals and dreams? What are some realistic goals for how I want to live ten years from now? What are the big steps needed to get there? How can this break down into smaller steps? Make make some short term goals that will help toward the bigger goal, and give yourself credit small accomplishments. You can even try positive self talk. I will succeed. Today is a new day. You got this.

  26. You still got a lot of time left. And from what I’ve been reading, they have been getting closer to a cure for your disease. Just stay strong and hang in there. And make the best out of the time you have here. Life’s not fair and it never will be, I’m so sorry for what you must be going through. I would recommend reading poetry written by John Keats.

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