My dad is in his sixties and has boxes of clothes, but some are shirts he wore in junior high. I, on the other hand, have clothes that are at most two years old, but I only have like three shirts that I wear in rotation until they’re worn out. We’re probably the extremes, but where do you lie on the spectrum?

  1. I have clothes going back 20 years, to be sure. The boots I have on now are 15+ years old. But the shirt and pants are under six months. TShirt might be a couple years.

  2. Well I did rip a suit at my grandfather’s funeral sooooo yeah. Just get new clothes. Nothing quite like a moment of silence following a ripping sound.

  3. I have an unworn shirt that I bought in 2005???

    I have shirts from K-Mart with the tags still on them.

    I have at least 2 weeks of unworn clothes. From socks to hats and everything in-between. Even one pair of unworn shoes.

    Thing is the same weeks worth of clothes goes through the laundry, gets folded, put on top or in front of everything else and is first to be worn, again.🤷

  4. I go through my clothes every 6-12 months and if I can’t remember having worn it in the last year, it gets donated. There are some exceptions for more specialty clothes that you might only wear once or twice a year like a suit, but for everyday type stuff I try to keep it small.

  5. my oldest clothes are probably like 10 years old. I’m wearing a fleece jacket now that my brother got me probably like 7 years ago, and I have a few flannel shirts that are 6 years old but I’m slowly getting too big for them, though they were loose on me when I first got them. I’ve gotten a lot more muscular over the last 5 years so most things don’t fit anymore, otherwise I’d have a lot more stuff. the fleece jacket was pretty big on me when my brother bought it so it still fits.

    I also got pretty into fashion a few years ago and bought lots of clothes, but grew out of them in the last few years so I had to rebuy a lot of stuff in the last year. I feel like I have enough clothes now, but could probably still use a few more pairs of pants.

  6. As long as they’ll last! Shirts and pants range from 0-10+ years old. If I got it after I stopped growing, either I’m still wearing it or it’s fallen apart.

  7. I have clothes I wore as a teenager still and I’m 30. I don’t like buying new clothes very much, I tend to spend ages picking out a single item and am very particular about colour and style, so unless I wanted to spend my entire life buying stuff I have to keep the old stuff

  8. most of my clothes are from the 80s

    im 19, i just like old stuff, most of it was my dads because we have essentially the same style. some of it is parts of an old militairy uniform because i like the old pre camouflage pants and the woolen socks they used to use. theyre nice and tough too and them being non synthetic is nice because i work around fire a lot

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