How has having kids affected your relationship/marriage? What advice would you give to childless couples?

  1. Children will age you drastically, destroy your sleep for years, kill your sex life, but it will also give you some of the greatest joyful moments money can’t buy.

    One of the greatest experience in life is the ability to find love and fall in love. There’s nothing more amazing than getting to fall in love with your kid along with your wife.

    That’s why all the misery is worth it, because you’ll do anything for love, especially for the love of your kids.

    But yeah it’s a shit ton of work and it isn’t for everyone. So go live your life and enjoy it and go do you.

  2. You hear about all the bad but really this is the most wonderful and fulfilling thing you will ever do. Many many very famous and accomplished people say it’s the most important thing they did in their life.

  3. I don’t know that I have any advice for people who don’t want kids. I think it’s a deeper decision than you could just convince someone to change their mind about, and I have a lot of reasons not to spend any of my precious mental energy on that kind of thing.

    How does having kids effect my relationship? It turned a couple into a family.

  4. The worst part about children is that it really binds you to the person you are with forever. There’s about a 3/4 chance that will eventually be hell.

  5. Children aren’t for everyone. Evaluate your why’s and why nots and consult them with your partner

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