Piggybacking off the thread about traveling abroad and talking about your favorite foreign city, I wanna ask the reverse. What’s one place in which your experience was so negative that you wouldn’t ever go back to if you had the chance?

Me personally, I don’t think I have a place that I’d straight up never go back to, but Morocco sort of got close to that due to all the scam/con artists and people seeing you as a walking ATM, and the fake friendliness to try to get your money. That’s true in a lot of tourist destinations everywhere but Morocco especially had it bad.

  1. Belize City, dead dogs everywhere, saw a dead body under a tarp in a pickup truck w uniformed men carrying big guns. Hair braiders in the street yelled at me that I was ‘racist’ for not letting them braid my hair when my hair was already in braids. (edit: funnier bc I am Black) Our taxi broke down and we had to push it back to the cruise launch site could have missed boarding. Not the only country in the Global South that I’ve been to but it was the worst experience that I had.

  2. Sofia, Bulgaria. I had more friends get mugged and take advantage of there than anywhere else.

  3. Caracas did not leave a great impression on me. But I also didn’t get out and around the city much. I also fear it has probably only gotten worse.

  4. I can’t answer this question because I’ve only ever been out of the US once, and I would 1000% go back. For some reason though, I’m compelled to comment on this post anyway. Sorry.

  5. Quebec. Went to see an expos game before they moved. Never felt more like I was a general inconvenience to everyone than my time in Montreal even when I was minding my own business. Toronto was a far better experience.

    Also agree with never going back to Jamaica.

  6. I would maybe go back, because it’s a beautiful city but my buddies and I (all High School students at the time) were called more racial slurs two days in Prague than we ever were our entire lives living in Texas (at that time).

    Never ever had grown ass men go after and start hurling racial slurs and insults at a bunch of teenagers for literally no reason.

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