Sorry the title is a bit broad, but essentially, I’m rooming with my good friend and for nearly the past year, I’ve realized that he barely texts his friend. For example, we have many mutual friends and group chats with them, and whenever they text in them, he always states that he’s not responding, it’s always me who ends up responding (if anything). Probably around once every month, he mentions out of the blue that he has 800-900 some unopened messages which I find odd. Just last week, a group of our friends who we hadn’t seen in a while text us in the group chat telling us that they miss us and wanna hang. He straight up said he’s not responding and so I ended up responding. There’s a group chat between us two and a good friend we have, and the chat is essentially me and the other friend chatting while my roommate friend just spectates/doesn’t respond at all. Is this a case of narcissism? Ignorance? What sort of label matches my roommate?

1 comment
  1. I had a roommate who did the same. I don’t think it’s narcissism or ignorance exactly, some people just don’t like to text. I found that if I call him, he is more willing to speak and we will often talk for a long ass time. I notice he’s usually doing other shit on his phone a lot of the time, like watching videos; so I assume it’s that. He might just be someone who gets caught up and forgets, then just says fuck it. My friend at home is the same way, he’s a really nice guy…not a texter.

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