Gonna try and keep this short. Met a guy on an app 6 months ago. We talked for a week, went on a date, things went really really well. Turns out he’s the older sibling of a guy best friend I had in high school, there’s an 8 yr age gap between us. The ex best friend and I didn’t end on the best terms but we haven’t talked in 7 years so I didn’t think much of it. The guy claimed to be very interested in me but he felt guilty not telling his brother. So he ghosted me, I reached out two weeks later (which I really don’t do if you ghost me I can take the hint but this felt different) and he said it was because of he felt guilty hiding it from his brother.

Fast forward six months to last week, he hits me up while I’m at a holiday work party. It’s 10 pm at that point so I wait till the morning to respond. He tells me he told his brother who is totally fine with us seeing each other as we’re both adults, and he wanted to know if I was interested giving it another shot between us. Normally I’d say no but this guy was just unreal in terms of personality we got along so well and I was very attracted to him physically. We meet up to grab dinner and end up catching up and discussing the past few months of us trying to date other people that we’re just all full of red flags. He said some things that really won me over so I agreed to give it another shot.

For the following week trying to talk to him was like pulling teeth. Our work schedules don’t match us so I understand there can’t be constant communication however, we made plans three separate times all of which he ended up canceling on. So I just asked him, has this week just been super busy for your or is this your normal level of effort/communication. Given his response back I ended things, letting him know I wasn’t interested in someone who reaches out after 6 months and doesn’t put in effort to get to know me and that it sounded like a chore for him to do so. Any thoughts on the situation would be appreciated.

  1. Me personally wouldn’t bother. It sounds like he’s trying to keep you around but is not that interested. If he was he wouldn’t have waited 6 months. Choice is ultimately up to you but I would advise against it.

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