Long story short, girlfriend has come down to stay a whole week with my family. With 4 days left and still a good chunk more of the family to meet.

She’s dumped me. In bed last night the news was broke. It’s over. We now have to play happy couple for the next 4 days as she can’t leave because she lives 8 hours away (we live in the same city outside of school holidays)

Merry Christmas everyone.

  1. This scenario sounds a lot like the plot of the new Emily Henry novel [Happy Place](https://www.amazon.com/Happy-Place-Emily-Henry/dp/0593441273/ref=nodl_?dplnkId=e0ecdb2d-6221-4cfa-87d9-1274c02cdc83)

    Comparisons aside, perhaps she feels differently the morning after she said she wanted to break up. The holidays put a lot of pressure on couples, especially when one person isn’t able to spend it with their family. It’s a lot meeting a significant others entire family in a short time frame. I would suggest doing something just for the two of you which will allow you time away from family to talk and learn more about why she feels the way she does. She might be missing family or feel that she isn’t as important as you family. Listen to what she says and acknowledge her feelings.

  2. Fuck that. She can’t break up with you and expect to be able to stay. She needs to figure her shit out and go

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