Perhaps it’s plan a party? Maybe a trip? Special dinner? What’s what?

  1. I’ve always fantasized about surprising him with a trip—I wouldn’t want him to know where we’re going till we’re at the airport though so, it’d obviously have to be somewhere he’s mentioned wanting to go! I just like the idea of sneakily packing his suitcase, rolling it out after telling him I got a surprise, and asking him to inspect the contents of the suitcase to see if it’s appropriate for somewhere with xyz temperature range!

  2. Definitely plan/go on a weekend trip as a present.

    Ooo or throw a birthday party/surprise them w a birthday just exactly as they would want it. This means if they don’t like a bunch of ppl/parties it would be a day of what they do like. Just all good things/favorite foods/activities for a day😊. W someone who appreciates it and wants to do the same for me.

    Also introduce them to my favorite friends that are v good ppl so they can be friends w them too!

  3. I want to book my partner and I a trip to Europe, he’s always wanted to go overseas, but covid killed my job and all flights so I had to dip into savings meant for the trip to survive. Now loans have piled up and lord knows when we’ll be able to go

  4. I’ve always wanted to cook a big meal with dessert but…..I am no great cook:( I’ve paid for Uber Eats a few times

  5. Nothing crazy tbh I just want to cook him a good meal of Parma or anything that he’d enjoy on a tiny picnic that we’d set up on a grassy hill overlooking a sunset. Ending the day with a walk around town whilst oscillating between chatting about funny and serious topics. That would make my heart grow a size of the moon.

  6. I’d love to be able to do a spontaneous trip to a foreign country like you see in romance movies but it’s not practical in real life. Most people can’t just abandon their responsibilities and just fly off somewhere. My husband with his job literally can’t just up and leave, if he does, people suffer. He has a job where peoples lives are literally on the line.

  7. An old-fashioned candlelit, homecooked, several courses style dinner. Think pretty silverware, knife holder, beautiful porcelain plates, the works ! (I’m only missing the beautifully chiseled glasses, so… technically doable)

    I love to cook for the people I love, I love vintage aesthetic, I love old movies. I would love to actually have a chance to bring such a scene to life.

    Of course, I’d need to find a partner first lol

  8. If I ever get a boyfriend, i wanna do the thing were it’s really cold and outside and I wanna take there hands and warm them up with my warm breath ( wow it’s more romantic in my hand 🫠 )

  9. Surprise them with a visit

    We’re long distance and I could probably do it but I can’t keep my mouth shut about my plans to come see him haha

  10. Surprise holiday somewhere nice. We always talk about which countries we’d like to visit together. I’ve travelled quite a bit with my family but he’s never really gone anywhere and I’d love to be able to give him an opportunity to.

  11. My next relationship I want to have nights where I get to give him sensual massages. My last relationship he wasn’t interested in that.

  12. Did this only once. I wrote a sonnet, it was in Spanish. I still have it. It took me like an hour to write it, still very proud of it. Making every line 11 syllables is harder than it sounds.

  13. Stay in a cabin deep in the woods for a few days. No TV, no phones, just enjoying each other’s company and hiking through some beautiful wilderness.

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