I’m 27M and a virgin. I don’t have much dating experience either but I want to start looking. I’ve been a bit curious about one night stands. How do you meet someone who would be interested? How do you ask without seeming like a creep? I’ve never really understood how you get from random stranger to bed buddies in an evening and then be able to just leave the next day like nothing happened.

Do you have any ideas or thoughts on this? Is this a rather common or rare occurence? Should I even be looking into this if I have virtually no romantic experience?

  1. I’ve had a few strangers sleep over after meeting them out at bars or clubs, but I would say it is quite difficult to pull off for most people, since so much is up to chance.

    By far the easiest and best way to set up a one night stand these days is to look on a dating app. It is much less likely that you’d be considered creepy for propositioning someone you’re already on a date with versus a random at a bar.

    If you start off by making it clear you want a ONS, it may scare some people off so just be cool and keep an open mind. Personally I’d much rather a longer term hookup than a one-time thing so if it doesn’t happen immediately that is fine, but you can hint at your intentions to heighten your odds.

    I usually try to meet at a bar near where I live so it’s easier to return there if they are interested. On occasion I will be invited directly to a girl’s house for the date which may not be recommended but is often a good sign that sex is on the table.

    As for whether this is for you, I think dating in general should be your first goal. It’s important to get used to meeting strangers and flirting with them. If you go about it without any specific goal except to have fun you never know what could happen!

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