Will eating someone out give me ecoli or make me sick or something? If the dick goes in, will poop come out on it? Can poop get in the urethra and cause infection?

And strictly a porn question, I’m always concerned when I see those gaping asshole pictures… Does the poop just… Fall out past a certain point? That seems precarious.

  1. We’ve done a lot of ass stuff, for some 12 years now — and it has never caused us an issue. I’d say he eats my ass, probably every few weeks… and I confess to having sucked him after he’s been up my ass on more than one drunken occasion. Is it a risk? Of course.

  2. If you throw a party at poop’s house, you can’t be mad when poop shows up

    Unless the recipient is doing porn-level preparations, there’ll likely be some poop. Wipe it up, relube and go back at it again (or not, do whatever you want lol)

  3. There is always a risk but there are things to reduce that risk. You can use and enema to clean everything out or use a fiber supplement to help make sure nothing is in there. Adult entertainers utiliE these methods to reduce any accidents and make sure everyone is safe. Hope this helps.

  4. Timing is also helpful. My wife is regular in the morning. The means a great time to have anal is evening.

    We have a bidet. It’s as close to an enema as you are going to get if you position it right unless you get an enema. As in, holding, retaining and releasing water.

  5. The gaping ass hole in porn has been thoroughly cleaned beforehand. Enema rinsed if not full on colonoscopy prepped. Nothing is falling out because there’s nothing to fall out. That sort of anal sex is not at all spontaneous.

    If you’re having spontaneous butt stuff… “How much accidental poop is involved?”. The only real answer is more than none.

  6. I’ve eaten dozens of different asses across 13 different years and not once have I had any sort of 3.coli or infection.

    I’ve also analled a bunch of different women without any sort of pre prep with poop ever being an issue even bottoming once with a transwoman spontaneously without problems.

    I know disasters and accidents happen based on what I’ve read here, but I wouldn’t worry too much in your case.

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