Furthermore, you don’t have a smartphone and there are no books. All you can do is lie on the bed and turn the lights on and off. There is a small window.

  1. Sounds like a typical day in the life of an introvert (I’d probably make fake scenarios in my head or movies for entertainment 😃). Or, considering you said we can eat 3 meals, I’d eat and sleep…eat and sleep…till I die lmao

  2. Exercise, coming up with fictional stories in my head, thinking about existential questions that have no answers, counting days I’ve been isolated etc.

    I also found out (not long ago) that if I focus on relaxing all of my muscles, lay down flat on my back and keep my eyes centered (so they don’t move even a little bit) after like 10-15 minutes I start hallucinating. My brain comes up with weird images that shift and flow one into the other, and the more I relax the more natural that comes. So that too, whenever I can’t fall asleep, and it’s almost every day since I work night shifts and I find it hard to fall asleep during the day, I do that and enjoy a free psychedelic experience that shortly makes me fall asleep.

    But to be absolutely real, I’d probably start losing sanity after like a month (a generous estimate) and probably try to end it by bashing my head against a wall 🤷‍♂️

  3. Look through the window to see what I saw. Use the saw to cut the bed into halves. Two halves make a whole, you can escape through the hole.

  4. It is obviously a dream. If the room is empty it cannot have a bed, if it has a bed it is not empty. If leaving the room requires more than one bed it is most likely a weird dream as the scenario makes no sense.

    Now that I know it is a dream, I would start to influence it.

  5. Lots of body weight exercise. That’s what I did in jail for two weeks when I was younger and got shredded, all respect to my younger body/metabolism due.

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