How do you personally alleviate anger and stress?

  1. Lifting. It seems to melt away all stress.

    But also, you need to eliminate stressors to the best of your ability, not just learn to cope with them. I know there is a macho mindset around pushing through stress, but that shouldn’t be 24/7. Constant stress is terrible for you even if you learn to cope with it.

  2. – Stop drinking

    – Drink more water

    – Get enough sleep

    – Workout

    – Find a hobby

    – Read/write

    Basically, find multiple healthy outlets for your energy. Pissed off? Don’t hit the bottle, hit the gym.

  3. I do the worst thing that I can possibly do. I bottle up all of my feelings and I bury them in the graveyard of my broken soul.

  4. Usually getting out away from other people, ideally in nature. If nature isn’t around, other options include storm drains, rooftops, air strips, boats, abandoned buildings, or railroad tracks. I like to bring some nice music to listen to and a six pack of beer.

    Sometimes though I find it’s best to go for direct catharsis, which for me either means illegal fireworks, vandalism, maybe get on the receiving end of some violent sex.

  5. Listen to encouraging podcasts and books on tape. I really like new thought style literature, Acres of Diamonds, As A Man Thinketh, etc

  6. i play music, writing a song and recording tracks helps to keep me busy and loud music going hard is great.

    oddly enough i took to doing some cutting practice with my sword i bought over covid. cutting things in your back yard is fun.

    working out is a great stress relief and if i’m not in the mood to do the ones listed before i usually play a hard soulslike.

  7. Go for a run and focus on the stones/road markers as they go past. Doesn’t always work…

  8. Striving to have empathy, the gym, therapy. Remembering that “this too shall pass”

  9. Prevent anger and stress from even becoming a thing in the first place. Living a boring frugal life does wonders.

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