Should this guy still pay me for his ticket?

I bought a couple of tickets to watch a football game tomorrow, which I bought a couple of weeks ago. I asked my cousin’s friend if he wanted to go (before i bought the tickets) and he said yes. A couple of days after I bought the tickets he informed me he didn’t want to go anymore. I have been struggling to sell the ticket since.

Should I ask the guy for the money for the ticket since it wasn’t an unforeseen circumstance that meant he didn’t want to go anymore?

  1. I think if it was closer to the game that he said he couldn’t go, then fair enough. Sounds like he gave you plenty of warning that he wasn’t able to attend anymore, so it would be unfair to ask him to compensate for the price of the ticket.

    Christmas is coming up, maybe you can give the ticket to another friend to come with you as a gift?

  2. you should have told him immediately that you have bought the ticket and it’s too late to cancel.

    If he said he would go, and has cancelled after you bought the ticket, then he should pay.

  3. If the expectation was that he’d pay you back, then yeah you can still ask go be paid back.

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