This story is pretty twisted, so if u don’t manage to keep up, I don’t blame u at all.

I (20F) have recently been pretty much kicked out of my friend group. Just like that. No warning, no reason, no explanation.
I felt it coming somehow. When it was my birthday, almost no one wanted to come. They all made different excuses, some of which I later found weren’t even true. Some of them didn’t even wish me a happy bday.

Then again they excluded me from every occasion where they were all gathered together to hang out. They also didn’t invite my boyfriend, my girl best friend and my boy best friend. We were all a part of the same friend group before.
The only gathering they did invite me on, I later found out they were talking behind my back and basically regretting they even asked me to come.
After a while I found out that they had made another group chat without us in it.

Today was one of the boys’ birthdays and I congratulated him. It just seemed rude not to. Now I see that he is actually currently having a birthday party. Wasn’t invited. Again.
However, my boy best friend (who talked shit about the boy whose birthday it is) did get invited, even though he literally just talked so badly about this boy and is now acting like nothing happened. He is hugging the same girl he called a wh**e cause she was one of the people who apparently initialized getting us kicked out. I feel so alone. I feel so betrayed.

It just sucks so much. I literally did nothing to them, I’m not the type of person to fight or make drama, so this type of thing is really new to me.

I just feel so awful. They were my only close friends. And I wanna say f them, screw it etc, but we were friends for a long time and I genuinely never had better friends. We used to take trips together, knew each other’s families and went to each other’s houses.

I feel like this is all so toxic, like why would they just cut me out, just like that? What is your take on all this?

1 comment
  1. While I can’t speak on your exact situation, I have been in your shoes. I was friends with a group of people for 19 years before they just suddenly cut all contact with me. I still see them every once in a while in public, but they don’t even bother looking in my direction. It’s emotions that will definitely stick with you, but what I can tell you is that 10 years later I have found myself as part of another group of friends who are extremely genuine, and really care. I still struggle sometimes with the feeling of rejection, but they prove time and time again that they are always gonna be there for me. This may just be life telling you that those people are not right for you. I know that if I stuck with my original friends, I would be in a completely different place in life than I am now. The sting won’t go away, and it’s gonna be tough now, But there is a light at the end of the tunnel and you will find people who respect and love you for who you are and not what you can provide them.

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