Fellow Americans, if you were making a “welcome to America gift basket” for someone moving here what none food items would you include?

  1. Bible, pitchfork and a signed copy of Great Again: How to Fix Our Crippled America by DJ Trump. /s

    I kid, I’d say a map of the US or whatever state they are going do, a 1 year state / national parks parking pass, one of those cheap sim cards so they can easily make calls in the country, fitted hat and maybe a USA themed throw blanket.

  2. Probably the following:

    1. An annual National Parks pass
    2. A pair of Thorogood boots
    3. An Amtrak ticket to go from Seattle to SF
    4. A couple of passes to the state fairs in Midwestern states
    5. A ‘If Jesus had a gun, he wouldn’t have died’ bumper sticker /s
    6. Little American flags
    7. A Map of the country

  3. An American flag. Map of the US, regional foods, cheeses, and spices, copy of the US constitution and declaration. Peanut butter, fireworks, a good knife, pepper spray, bug spray, bottle of bourbon or whiskey, a small book of the history of the US, an AR15…little statue of the Statue of Liberty, BBQ sauce, Hershey kisses, some yankee candles

  4. A map of the USA
    A guide to our National Parks
    A guide to driving rules in the USA
    A Metro card/ bus pass/ train pass
    A fishing license to the state they are visiting
    A B& B guide ⁹
    Toilet paper
    Gift cards to several restaurant chains
    Gift cards to gas stations
    Hand sanitizer
    Wet wipes
    A thermos / water bottle
    Gift card to Starbucks/Bigby etc
    Paid internet hot spot
    Phone charger for car & hotel
    List of emergency numbers in the USA
    List of area hospitals/ dentists/ clinics
    Toothbrush/ toothpaste
    Hand soap
    Small screw driver set/tool set
    Hand towel/ washcloth
    A month or 6 momth subscription to local newspaper.
    Tickets to local theater
    Guide to walking/ hiking/ biking trails
    Local museum guides

  5. A bumper sticker reading “I came. I saw. I kicked it’s ass.” And a one way ticket back home.

  6. With America the way it is now? A bottle of Jack Daniels, weed, a pillow they could scream into when they see how hopeless life is, a Netflix subscription since that’s the only luxury you can afford now, an apartment that’s the size of a walk-in closet (because that’s all they can afford), and a card with the number to the suicide prevention hotline because they’ll need it

  7. I usually end up sending my foreign friends a bottle of Cheerwine.

    I tend to also subject my foreign friends to a bottle of rootbeer, even though especially Europeans tend to hate the flavor via association with medicine over there.

    If we’re feeling boozy, possibly some muscadine (or scuppernong) wine. We have many fine wineries, but hell let’s pull out all the stops and go for New World grapes while we’re at it.

    If we’re feeling *very* boozy, perhaps a fine bourbon.

    If perishables are allowed, keep in mind squash is peculiar to our hemisphere, I’ve had to explain yellow squash to more than one of my European friends.

    You want a real fun time, chuck in a can of Easy Cheese and a wedge of some very fine Wisconson cheese. Like yes we do indeed have the supermarket “processed diary-related colloidal substance product” we’re internationally infamous for but we do also produce world-class cheeses.

    Depending on where in the world your visitor hails from, they may not have access to good quality peanut butter at home.

  8. Map of USA, a Desert Eagle, a national parks guide, dangerous wildlife of (fill in the blank) state, bug spray, sunscreen, flags, multiple albums including American Pie American Idiot The Black Parade and Bohemian Rhapsody, and a book about what topics to avoid talking about if you want to avoid arguments

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