Edit: Both find each other attractive

  1. In my jaded opinion, it’s only possible if they, both of them, are not attracted to each other at all. If one person is attracted to the other, they can go through the motions of friendship for a while, but sooner or later the feelings are going to come.

  2. It’s possible. But I feel like one of them is always doing it just to wait in line for their turn

  3. It’s likely, especially at work. I have a few friends at work that are girls and single and I view it as platonic.

  4. I’m in this situation with no intent to change it (and I’m pretty sure she doesn’t either). Doesn’t say anything about how often it is, but it’s an example of it being possible I guess.

  5. Drink 2 glasses of wine each, both go in the closet of an empty house with the light off and see what happens….

  6. It really depends honestly on their values. Some people don’t care to make a jump from friendship to relationship. As they don’t want to shit where they eat.

  7. Depends on why you want to be purely platonic friends.

    If there’s some reason that a romantic relationship is a bad idea for them, then it’s extremely possible. I’m male and have all kinds of platonic female friends.

    Yet, if there’s no reason why a romantic relationship is a bad thing, then at some point someone may wonder.

  8. I don’t think “purely” anything exists. I trust women enough to believe that they have their own “off limits” thoughts too.

    But it’s often important in life to love someone enough to let them be.

  9. Both find each other attractive? Then fucking 0%, why the hell would they remain platonic friends, shit don’t even logically make sense

  10. They can. Also depends on how attractive she is. Kinda. Like I’m not gunna make a move but if I find her attractive I would bang her if the stars aligned. Also I would likely try to at at beginning. I can def just be friends though and keep those boundaries. But if she asked I would have sex with her. Regardless if I found her attractive or not. My hand isn’t particular attractive and I fuck it all the time.

    I remember I had a lady friend who was like “omg my friend is friends with this guy and they have been hanging out a lot and I guess he made a move on her can you believe it?” Like well she’s single and he’s single yea? “But she said she just wanted to be friends?” Alright well friends with benefits maybe? “you wouldn’t sleep with me though would you?” sure yeah if you offered? But I’m not seeking it out.

    She seemed so shocked and offended “but you don’t even like me in that way?” In what way? “Like to date” I didn’t say I wanted to date you I said I’d fuck you. “So you want to fuck me?” Not really “but you would if I offered or let you?” Yeah?

  11. The vast majority of my female friends have been platonic. I was married for 30 yrs,I’ve been single for 15 years and I just don’t see getting caught up in a “relationship” again lol.

  12. If they both find each other attractive and are good friends, why would they choose to remain platonic? This is the perfect relationship.

  13. IF they both find each other attractive they’re not gonna be just friend. It’s bad enough when only ONE thinks the other is attractive.

  14. Specifically in the situation of your edit (i.e., “both find each other attractive): not likely unless there is are consequences that both the guy and girl take very seriously and genuinely want to avoid at all costs.

  15. Based on the edit, very unlikely. And even if you can manage it, it will likely cause issues in your romantic relationships. Not really worth the hassle.

  16. Do they get to fuck each other platonically? If so sure, they can remain “platonic friends” 🤣🤣

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