Yesterday she came to me and told me ”hey, look outside, I want to see your opinion on this”. It was sunset and there were cumulous clouds that looked greyish because of the light. There were contrails high above those clouds that were much brighter because of the angle of the sun and because they were much higher up.

My mom said ”look, chemtrails, streaks of them, and look at how dark the clouds are like it’s stormy”. I explained to her it’s because it’s sunset and the angle of the sun, so those contrails are much brighter compared to the lower altitude clouds. She didn’t get it. She said she thinks the sky is fake and the Earth is flat with a dome.

I asked her ”and who made that dome?” she said ”god” and I asked her ”so instead of a god who made a vast and wonderful universe, god is just a prison warden who keeps us in a prison dome?” she says the planets ”aren’t where people say they are” and thinks the ISS is fake. I asked her how seasons work on a Flat Earth and she says ”that was one of the things that made me skeptical of Flat Earth but yesterday the moon wasn’t where they said it would be” (or something along those lines). She believes the moon keeps teleporting across the sky because on some nights she can’t see it and doesn’t understand how the moon rotates in the sky. She couldn’t understand when I told her in Japan it’s night time while here in the UK it’s daytime. She says she gets all confused.

2 days ago a guy was doing maintenance on a lamppost, she was freaking out saying they’re installing 5G or AI that will kill us, I told her to calm down they’re just doing maintenance work on the lamppost. She said ”then why are they putting a wire into it?” and kept going on about how she can’t sleep at night when the light is on because it’s beaming radiation straight towards her head. No matter how many times I try to explain to her that light is literally a form of radiation, she doesn’t get it. She shuts off and chooses to only believe what her Facebook friends tell her, even though I have a diploma in physics and her friends don’t.

Yesterday she revealed to me that she thinks Hitler wasn’t a bad man and Putin is saving the world. This is starting to freak me out because she’s parroting some of the things I’ve seen prominent Neo Nazis say.

Honestly it’s kinda freaking me out how my mom believes all of this, she spends all day chatting with her friends who also believe all this stuff, and at night when she’s upstairs I can hear her yelling at her phone as she’s watching these stupid conspiracy streams. She keeps going on about ”globalists” and ”new world order” and how she thinks many Jews are ”masonic”. She can’t seem to put 2+2 together about how this is anti-semetic nonsense that Neo Nazis made up.

My mom has ALS, and I don’t know if that is starting to affect her brain (in terms of critical thinking). Because when she was younger the only thing she believed in was ‘Chemtrails’ but within the past 2 years she went from believing in 1 conspiracy to at least 20 of them, and many of those conspiracies are a lot more harmful than believing in chemtrails. Some of the stuff she believes is Neo Nazi crap and she can’t see that she’s being manipulated. Not sure what to do.

  1. I’m sorry this is happening. It must be terrifying for you both. If you’re concerned she may be experiencing delusions and personality changes that may be related to ALS, considering contacting her doctor.

  2. The biology of this path your mother is on is pretty scary, if you’re willing to read up on it. It’s essentially an addiction and it sounds like your mother is an addict.

    I couldn’t handle it, personally. I can’t support someone so detached from reality and every Q person I’ve met is a complete lunatic that brings everyone around them down. So I’m here to say: it’s ok for you to cut your mother out of your life. You’ll probably be better off.

  3. probably the best bet, if you don’t mind the aspect of ethics, is decide to just “randomly” dig around in the yard, “accedentally” hit whatever cabling your internet is done through, and then tell her you’re sorry and that you’ve called for it to get fixed

    don’t actually call for it to be fixed tho, instead cancel the plan if you can

    – – –

    point being, only way to detox a person is if you stop them eating the toxins, gotta block that shit off their internet, go through their facebook and unfollow all the conspiracy shit, same for their youtube or whatever, everything. via ublock might help if they use firefox or stuff too.

  4. I would echo the advice that she needs to be seen by her GP in order to evaluate if this is related to her ALS, or just another “Qanon casualty.” Not that the ALS option will make it easier to digest, but the doctor or social worker could have some tips on how to redirect these ideas she is having.

  5. Can you talk with her neurologist (ALS doc) about this? She could be suffering from some emergent cognitive problems. It happens, unfortunately.

  6. Being diagnosed with ALS is serious. Maybe your mother had a mental break and withdrew into the conspiracy community because of it? Conspiracy theories and the people who push them pray upon vulnerable people.

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