Those who have been divorced, how true is “it’s better to love and lost than to not love at all” in your experience and what age are you now?

  1. I got divorced at 25 and remarried at 31. If I could do it all again I would still marry my first husband

  2. Been married twice. In love once. I’m 54F and yes I absolutely agree with that quote. Don’t ever disregard love even if it’s painful to remember.

  3. Got married at 22- I never even considered the thought about the phrase “it’s better to love and lost than to not love at all”. I just learned more about myself and what not to accept in a relationship. I got married again- learned even more about myself. I now know what I want in a relationship and I won’t make the rookie mistakes again. At 55 I am in love 🥰 and know who I am!

  4. I got married at 20, divorced at 35. I really loved him and was willing to do whatever it took to make things work but he wasn’t. That hurt a lot. I spent a good amount of time in counseling and I learned so much about myself. In healing myself and working on my issues, I was able to see some of his issues. My dad and I actually had a conversation today where he asked what I would do if my ex changed his mind and wanted me back. I actually laughed and said, “It’s too late. I’ve come too far and learned so much that I can never go back to that.” I don’t regret my marriage, it also gave me two amazing children and my ex and I are actually friends.

  5. I really enjoyed being married before he started cheating. Would totally do it all over again. I spent 14 years intertwined with this person and we got to grow up together. He helped form me into the person I am today. I wouldn’t change that. We are still friends because he has apologized and grown from that shitty behavior and I’m not going to knock one bad year out of 13 great ones.

    I am 33 now. The divorce was brutal. I don’t want to have to go through another one if I can help it. But I appreciate my time spent with them and use what I’ve learned from that relationship going forward.

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