So I’ve never been physically intimate before but I’m starting to get serious with my boyfriend and have so many questions.

1. What should my pubes look like?? Do women shave them completely bald, leave a little? What should it look like?

2. How do you avoid precum on a condom. We haven’t gotten that far but I figure if your handling things you going to have precum on the hand that’s putting the condom on right? How do you avoid getting it and potentially sperm on the outside?

3. What should I do? Other than kissing I’m not sure what to do with my hands or anything else. Where do guys like touched?

4. I feel like I’m gross down there how do I freshen it up pre make out?

Any advice or tips how to do anything would be appreciated!

  1. 1. Theres no answer to this. Anything you like is fine! Shaved, trimmed, shaped, bikini wax, it’s your body. I think it’s good manners to trim any place you want someone to lick, so I trim my labia hair but it’s by no means necessary. Since it’s your first time I’d just suggest trimming the mons and labia hair.

    2. You make sure you put the condom on the right way. They only unroll one way so it should be clear if you’ve got enough light. If you put it on the wrong way and flip it over, you’ve got pre-ejaculate on the side that’s going in your vagina.

    3. Sex is not unlike how children play. You get in the moment and try stuff because it feels like a good idea at the time. Touch stuff and kiss stuff until the other person makes happy noises.

    4. Sometime within a few hours before you think you’re going to get busy, just freshen up in the bathroom. Wash your labia with some water and wipe really well. You’re probably perfectly normal down there and not gross.

  2. – keep your pubes the way you have confidence in. If you have a “maintenance scheme”, keep it up. As simple as that.

    On a more hilarious note, if you have some hair and he for some reason insists that you really should not have any, it’ll be quicker to shave it off than it would be to grow it out again.

    – if you think its a problem, wipe your hand on a towel or something. It probably ain’t a problem.

    – we like to be touched on pretty much the same places you like to be touched. Which is to say that it’s not always obvious, and sometimes you need to try it to realise.

    – have a shower or rinse with water. There. Done.

  3. 1. Its up to you girl! Its becoming more common to shave everything but if you don’t wanna its fine, guys are fine with anything.
    2. as long as you keep the condom in its “wrapper” and just wipe your hand on a towel before you take it out your fine!
    3. Depends on the guy but rub his thighs, Play with his balls (Gentle!), Or even try rubbing his nipples!
    4. take a bath and let it soak for a little while and you should be good!

    Hope I helped!!

  4. 1. However you like. There is no should.

    2. Put it on with clean hands…

    3. Ask questions, explore, see what works for you and your partner. Its ok to not know, that is part of the fun… be vulnerable. Then you can work it our together. Forget any expectations of just knowing… everyone is different. If you are judged for not knowing… that is not a you problem.

    4. Soap and water… maybe a bath… but you are not gross – you are normal.

  5. I (20m) try not to touch precum with the hand I roll down the condom but if I did I try to wipe it with a paper towel or at least the bed sheet until its dry.

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