My friend got caught yesterday and he has court in Jan, what do you think he’ll get? As it’s not majorly over

  1. It depends on what he was charged with. Driving or attempting to drive over the prescribed limit is an obligatory disqualification.

  2. Yes. Legal limit is 35. Prosecution takes place at 40 and above.

    53 is likely an 18 month ban with a reduction if suitable for an education scheme.

  3. The limit is 35. Blowing 53 is well over, so he’ll likely lose his license and face a fine. If he ever gets caught drink driving again, he’ll be facing an even stricter sentence.

    > As it’s not majorly over

    He is majorly over.

  4. It is majorly over. Especially as it’s not a linear curve, so for you to be 1.5 times the legal limit, you had to have consumed probably twice the legal limit.

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