I (24f) have been married to my husband (24m) for 5 years… we have 2 kids together our 3yo girl and our 1yo son.

I have always done everything, he rarely changes a diaper, or does anything.

He is so used to having everything done for him that im sick and tired of it now.

Anyways he got a job 2 hours away by where his dad lives and since gas went up we decided itd be best for him to stay at his dads weekdays and come visit me on weekends.
Well for the last 7 months he has gotten addicted to coke ❄️ has become an alcoholic. Does absolutely nothing, we just relocated near his job just for him to be fired. Now i started working over night so that the kids are asleep while i work and he can keep doing nothing. Well he just cant figure them out. He lets them watch tv all night and sleeps all day. Which is not fair because i am also up all night working.

He doesnt clean, cook, hang the clothes, nothing.
He eats all the kids foods. I have energy drinks for me and he always drinks them all in 1 day. I am so exhausted of taking care of what seems to be a big ass baby.

I want to leave so bad!!!! I hate him, hes gotten so out of shape and i cant even look at him knowing he let some addiction ruin everything.

I used to be just as tired but i still got things done. Nope he makes me do everything im so tored or it

  1. Not only that he never fucking showers, he doesnt brush his teeth nothing and he expects me to find him attractive whenever he smells like cheese and feet!!

    Ive talked to him, and talked to him, but im done. He doesnt change, never will.

    I have a secret bank account ill be adding money into, to fucking dip i hate him

  2. I am so sorry that happened to you.

    Get you and your kids out. Until “he” decides to change he won’t

  3. Yeah get out. Plus he doesn’t want to shower and perform basic hygiene. There’s something more than just plain addiction here. He probably also has some sort of mental illness.

  4. The not doing anything/never helping with the kids for years would’ve been enough for me to walk out. I didn’t get married and have kids to be a single parent and be alone all the time. The next issue is him only visiting on weekends and again, leaving you to raise two kids by yourself. Working or not, this guy was getting off waaaaaaay too fucking easy as a father. And then there’s the whole getting addicted to coke and becoming an alcoholic..

    Why are you still with him? Genuinely wondering. You’re not attracted to him whatsoever. He’s a lazy asshole who expects you to do everything. He’s also addicted to coke!!

    Your kids deserve better. Want better for them. No one said being a single parent was easy (even tho you’ve low key been a single parent basically since the kids were born) but I’d rather that ANY DAY than be with a man like your husband. Nah. Fuck that.

  5. His addiction ruined your marriage. So you shouldn’t feel guilty leaving him.

    He is not working, so you are supporting everyone. It will cost you *less* money to separate from him. It will also cost you less time and emotional labor.

    And he’s not going to seek help until he hits rock bottom. So as long as he has you taking care of him he’s just gonna keep getting worse.

    Kick him out. He can go live with his dad. The money you would have spent on him (food and whatever other money he spends) can go to a babysitter. Or you leave and go stay with your own family if they are willing to help you out.

  6. That is hella early to marry and impressive at the same time. Two kids trying to make it work only for one of them to be a complete ass with falling into an addiction. My condolences OP.

    Does any of your family know? I hope you aren’t going through it alone.

  7. Right now He is a danger to you and your children. It’s sad he fell into the abyss of addiction and your love for him has turned to resentment and hatred. I know you once loved him. Did you try reaching out to his parents and have a crisis intervention? I am so sorry you and your children have to go thru this. You are in mine and my wife’s prayers. God Bless!

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