Been seeing this guy recently. We’re on our 3rd date and we just finished having sex and we’re cuddling in bed. It’s super calm and intimate until out of nowhere he tells me I remind him of his mom. Says I look just like her when she was my age.

Not sure how to feel. He’s a fun guy and the sex is great, but… idk. Ive been with a lot of guys but this is new even for me lol.

  1. Uhh, yeah… bad timing mah dude. I would GUESS he noticed it earlier, and it just came out when you were both chilling and in afterglow so to speak. But yeah, that’s just… eww.

    I bet he’s at home, banging his head against the wall, chanting “I MUST NOT SPEAK BEFORE THINKING”

  2. Yikes. Not an immediate red flag but eww. He’s probably so mad at himself for saying that lol. Overall that just gives weird expectations for both of you. I’d be torn on either never talking about it again, or talking deep about to analyze why he said it.

  3. Lol that’s a weird thing to say but probably a genuine mistake. Like the other commenters said he’s probably banging his head rn thinking his chances with you are gone.

  4. Subconsciously many men prefer women who remind them of their mother , like a female who cared for them and protected them .
    I agree that the moment he choose was very wrong but do not take it in a weird way .

  5. I’d say this is a red flag. What in his head made the connection from sexually stimulated to his mother and then to you as a reminder of her. I wouldn’t want to know the answer, because this fact alone would end it 😂

  6. Definitely an awkward comment to make, but I’ve literally never met a human male who wasn’t absolutely disgusted by the idea of their mother in any sexual context. So it’s most likely an innocent comment that came out before he thought about how it sounds.

    For some guys “post nut clarity” is not a thing. Some of the dumbest, most awkward shit I’ve ever said happened right after sex. For some of us sex breaks our brains for a few minutes I think. Then again there’s always a 1% chance that he’s a total fucking weirdo who has some strange sexual thing about his own mom. I briefly dated a girl once who said some very interesting things about her dad when she was drunk one time.

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