If a women catches your interest and you really like her, do you normally play it cool by waiting to respond or do you show full interest

  1. I am older. I have learned not to hold back, and not to overdo it.
    I tell them straight away – I like what I have seen so far about you, and I’d like the opportunity to find out about the rest.

  2. Like the comments before me say, there’s a good balance of showing consistency and moderation.

  3. I accidentally told my now-fiancée that I loved her on our third date. Awkward…but hey it was true!

    Don’t do that. I got incredibly lucky that she did not drop me for love-bombing her. Women usually like your interest to grow slowly over time.

  4. Back in the day – Depends on context of course. In a club, make flirty faces and signal that I want to dance see what happens. Dating app: ask out for cocktail. In the world or at work, make pleasant small talk.

  5. I used to show my full interest but I realized that comes off as sort of desperate. Now I would probably play it cool and show slight interest to see if she is reciprocative.

  6. Everybody is different, but I’d show full interest. I don’t want to like, waste a lot of time on ambiguity. Yes/no, then moving forward either way.

  7. Play it cool and wait it seems.

    Funny I always hear how:

    Women no longer want to date men they say

    Women don’t need men they say

    Women are happy being single they say

    Women don’t care what men like they say

    Women don’t care what men want in a relationship they say

    But yet the majority of posts on this subreddit that attracts mostly woman redditors seem to be posts asking men about dating and what men find attractive in a woman.

    Yep, that “[study](https://youtu.be/3USs6HZBO4E)” about how it’s only men who feel lonley and its only men who want a relationship in dating doesn’t seem to be true.

  8. Show interest quickly. But don’t over do it. Women like confident, decisive men. They don’t like to be the proactive one by and large. Playing it cool and waiting for her to come onto you is a fools game. It won’t happen.

  9. Show interest but don’t be desperate about it.
    Life’s WAY too short to play those dumb ass timing/waiting games. If she doesn’t want you solely because you called her the next day, then she can piss off while you find someone better.

  10. I won’t do anything until she says me that she’s into me and even then i wouldn’t take that seriously.

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