So, I (18f)think the title kinda explains it. My bf(18 m) like to go smoke with his mates even if it we have had something planned like I’ll go to his or he’ll come to mine. And he acts like I’m suppose to be ok. I’m not ok with it and even if I act the slighted bit annoyed he gets annoyed at me. It’s more sadness then annoyance. I don’t know how to tell him because he doesn’t understand. He’s also not spending Christmas Eve with me so he can go smoke with his buddies. Which upsets me a lot. I don’t know what to do.

TL/DR: I’m just confused of what to do and if I’m overreacting or not . So am I?

  1. If your boyfriend is canceling plans on you to hang out with his friends, and then gets upset with you if you bring it up, you have an unhealthy relationship.

    You are very young. Don’t waste your time on someone who clearly has no interest in putting in the same kind of effort into a relationship that you are. And don’t waste your time on someone who cannot handle honest communication.

  2. You’re clearly not #1 on the hit parade. You are not over reacting. You may not be reacting enough. Frankly, i don’t think he is that into you.

  3. Have you actually had a conversation with him about this? You say when he does it you “get annoyed” but what does that mean? If you’re getting passive aggressively annoyed that’s a proper way to communicate how you’re feeling and what you expect.

    If you sit down with him and have a calm discussion about how you are feeling neglected, and he still doesn’t change, then it might be time to move on

  4. Its not a serious relationship.Stop replying when he tries to reach out to you and see how long he keeps trying.

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