If you have ever posted to gonewild or similar, how do you feel if someone you know recognizes you?

  1. I posted in the outfits reddit once and a guy in my class recognized me, then sent a DM. It was kinda awkward honestly.

  2. I have been considering posting there for a while. I’m just scared of being called too skinny. I wouldn’t really mind if anyone I knew saw. I think they would be surprised though

  3. No one in real life has ever recognized me, as far as I know. I’m fine if someone recognizes me and keeps it to themselves. I’d be very uncomfortable if anyone brought it up to me.

  4. Happened to me once. My ex recognized me and we are on bad terms. It scared me and made me super uncomfortable because I thought he’d expose me or something. Otherwise no one has ever recognized me and if they did my reaction and feelings would greatly depend on who the person that recognized me is. My family member- uncomfy. Someone from work who doesn’t like me- uncomfy. Someone I know from anywhere that is hot and sexy- I would enjoy

  5. It is scary! Especially when people tell you they recognise you but don’t tell you who they are. And it’s always men. Sick, creepy men. Also encountered a woman once who was obsessed with me for some reason.

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