I’m 43m, I’ve been to Scotland and England. I think it’s a great experience and all, but never felt the need to list it on any dating profiles. But it seems like now it’s on every other OLD profile I look at. This is especially perplexing when they list a low income that appears to barely cover basic necessities. I have experience with this issue. I have dated many women who want to live far above their means and expected me to cover the balance. HUGE RED FLAG because no, I’m not a financier. This is usually just one of many examples of how one-sided relationships can be.

Are people using OLD to find international travel partners or someone who will provide it? Or do you think they just put it on there to appear more sophisticated and worldly? For my part, it just seems odd to see it so often and isn’t exactly critical to maintaining a meaningful long term relationship. This is especially true when it’s a once a decade or lifetime goal. I have met plenty of women who one day want to go to Paris or Italy or something like that. Maybe that’s all they mean?

I just feel like world travel takes lots of time, energy, and resources to plan out and isn’t going to happen so often that it’s one of your primary interests instead of things that are important on a regular basis for a relationship. I am fully willing to concede that yes, it is important to some, people do this, more power to them. I just don’t think it’s as common or important as I’m seeing.

  1. It’s a generational thing. As I pointed out in a response to a different post stereotypically my fellow millennials and younger generations prioritize experiences. More specifically spending $ on travel is deemed more important than smart $ decisions. I’m not anti-travel. However, I do think that prioritizing it over saving for retirement, etc is reckless. This comment will probably get downvoted. Hopefully, someday the people that downvote it are able to eventually make better fiscal decisions.

  2. 1. Sharing travel experiences is one of the ways people get to know eachother.

    2. Traveling can be budgeted for and lots of people are able to fly to multiple countries because they find ways to do it on the cheap.

    3. Just because people express an interest in things that cost money doesn’t mean that they’re expecting you to pay for it.

  3. Take how most of my generation has the means to jet set everywhere. My guessing parents pay for stuff, massively in debt, not saving anything for future or actual does well career wise and has the money. It’s interesting how many ppl travel. My ex went aboard but she told me the airfare was paid by a relative. She couldn’t afford it on her own, even splitting with sister and cousin.

  4. Depends what you mean by travel. Is it travelling for long periods, where you’re backpacking through Europe or Asia for several months or is it a few city breaks for a long weekend a few times a year.

    I enjoy travel and it’s something I like to do as often as I can but I’m never away for more than a few days to a week at most and can only do it at the moment as I have the time and money.

    I also budget for my trip and keep an eye on cheap flights/hotel deals where I can.

  5. I think a good amount of those people are looking for someone with the means to travel, just not saying it outright. I have seen people say it more explicitly though. Something like “Swipe left if you don’t have a passport.”

  6. They’re looking for someone with the same priorities. Which isn’t you. So it’s good you know that in advance. Time saver.

  7. I think you’re underestimating the amount of people who have well off parents. For some people, it’s normal to have travel integrated into their lives because their parents made that normal.

    I’m (29F) and I travel often. Both domestically and internationally. It’s part of who I am because my parents divorced when I was 8 and my dad moved out of state. I visited him 7 times a year. So I was on a plane at least 14 times a year until I was 18.

    I studied abroad in college. I’ve taken family vacations both in and out of the country. I’ve vacationed with friends on the rare occasion.

    Travel doesn’t only have to do with your personal income. It has to do with priorities and if you travel with family.

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