I feel neglected and used by my wife. We fight a lot, and she always wants to be correct. I feel like he never tries to listen and understand what I go through to make our relationship work. When fighting she tells me that I don’t listen to her too, even though everyone else thinks I am a good listener. She also can’t acknowledge any good deed I’ve ever done. But when we are not fighting she tells me that I am the best thing that ever happened to her. That she is lucky to have me as a spouse. I fill manipulated and stupid. Frankly speaking, I’ve never felt like this in any relationship. She can’t agree to go to therapy either alone or together. There was a time I scheduled a therapy session for myself and she become upset, telling me that there is nothing wrong with our relationship. There is also a time we fought to the extent I felt like I can’t continue and suggested we take some time apart and think about what we wanted in life. She refused and accused me of wanting to divorce her. I need some thoughtful advice on what to do. We have an almost 2 years old child.

  1. She is giving you just enough scrubs that you aren’t too strong to leave and too weak to die.
    She is using you man.
    People care for their dogs better.

    There is no how to move forward, just move forward and leave her behind.

    Those motivational video of Jordan Peterson in your post history have been useless i guess.

    PS: get your kid DNA tested

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