How do you feel when abusive lyrics are glorified in music lyrics?

  1. Somewhat indifferent.

    I’m of the video games don’t make people violent camp.

    My husband will sometimes listen to steel panther. It doesn’t change his behavior in any way. Hes a perfectly respectful, kind, and sweet man.

    I also love follow me-uncle cracker, but I’m not interested in having an affair either.

  2. Not a fan of it. It of course depends how you listen to it but depending on the specific lyrics it might make me very uneasy

  3. It’s unsurprising. It’s been that way my whole life and I don’t expect it to change overnight. I just don’t listen to the ones I don’t want to.

  4. i’ve literally never heard a song that glorified abuse. ive heard songs that mention it or talk about it or throw in a line about it, but never glorified. have some examples? bc “glorify” is a pretty specific word here

  5. I don’t feel anything. I am very much of the opinion that not everything needs to be making a moral stand, especially a “correct” one.

  6. eh i feel a little gross if a song I was vibing with suddenly had really poor lyrics, so they matter to me a bit. Idk I feel like I ‘absorb’ whatever I listen so I want to absorb positive stuff ig lol

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