I am 6 weeks postpartum with mine and my husband’s second child and our relationship has been GREAT.

I was doing our laundry and upon taking it out…dropped a hotel room key.

I confronted him and he immediately denied it being his. I don’t know what to do from here.

  1. I would try to find out which motel the key belongs to (my guess it would be close by) and see if you can find out if he was ever registered. Also, make sure to check bank and credit card statements.

  2. Does the room key have the name of the hotel? If so even if he paid cash they still usually need a credit card on file. Call and ask if they have the same room available as last time to see what they say. Don’t let him gaslight you. It’s time to verify if he’s being honest. Check your financial records too.

  3. Can you see any unusual/out the ordinary cash withdrawals on your statement? If he is not someone who regularly carries cash that would be something to consider.

    Info – does he ever travel for work, recently family visits over the holidays? How frequently or recently was the coat last washed?

  4. If you found it in his pants then that means he must have been wearing it recently which means if he booked the hotel it must have been recent. You can also take his picture and ask the people in the front desk about this issue.

  5. >he immediately denied it being his

    Well it’s not this for sure because key always belong to the hotel. Did he tell you how it got into his pocket?

  6. If he had a key, then it was likely booked under someone else’s name and given to him during the day so he could go to the hotel and straight to the room later.

    If you want more clues (and bear in mind this may not be the “right way”) you should search his vehicle and really search the rest of the laundry. You’ll want to pay attention to receipts (looking for things like condoms.) you’ll also want to look for charges or withdrawals of $49.99-$60 (cost of plan B.)

    Check his social media from your profile. Do you see anyone on his friends list that is local, more than likely from his past or his current job, and that has a mobile check in to a hotel or mentions a hotel?

    You’ll want to check his jacket/hoodie/coat he always wears. Check the pockets and SMELL it.

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