If you’re on a dating app and swipe right on 100 women, how many matches do you normally get on average?

  1. 0

    Dude, I deleted tinder because the massive amount of rejection was giving me depression.

    I remember the last “permission to speak freely,” moment I had in the Army was when my platoon sergeant told me he found his wife on tinder. I asked him that, he agreed, and all I said was “fuck you, sergeant,” and walked away.

    He never talked to me again after that.

  2. Actually did an experiment on this. I burrowed pics from my good look friend. Got 8 matches but they all had dry personalities (6ft over, “hey”, “I have a bf already”)

    When I changed location to Philippines. Almost 70 matches.

  3. Around 0, tinder statistics says that men match with 2.5% of right swipes, from the other hand women matches with 33% of right swipes, funny thing to know

  4. Out of 100? None, usually. Well none that are legit. Will get some fishing for subs, fishing for only fans, Asian women in Asia and naybe someone bored and just wasting an hour at work. Out of 1000 maybe one or two legit, could go further.

  5. Per hundred I might get 1 but that one is always them messaging their snap and then unmatching

  6. Looking for a relationship. 6’0. Own business. Athletic. Travel a lot. Have dog. Average to maybe a little better than average looks. Live in a terrible are for dating, but still.

    Looked up stats and it was a little over 4. Got off online dating. It’s poison.

  7. I created a brand new account as I was away in a big city for a week and thought now is a good time to start and see what the fuss is about.

    Thought OK I’ve got some good photos (recent Xmas do, fresh haircut), the algorithm should be reset, etc.

    Made sure to avoid any red flags or anything that could come off as creepy, vulgar or similar.

    0 matches. Yikes.

  8. If I just swipe 100 in a row, ignoring any and all standards, I’d end up with a few non-scam matches.

    If I’m not willing to settle, then 0. Yea, I’m obviously shallow, I deserve to be alone, I should feel honored for any matches. But still, I’m not going to settle, so I will continue on alone.

  9. I’m above average but still only get about 5% of the girls I swipe on as matches. After 3 months I got one date who bailed last minute so… not great lol

    It’s literally a game. There is no way to make a meaningful connection through dating apps. It’s such an objectifying experience.

  10. The only girls I’ve found on tinder was cash app bitches and sex related weirdos trying to get paid one way or another

    It was so damn annoying I can never download another “dating” app again lmao

  11. Ok so this summer I installed an app that, unlike Tinder, allow you to know how many people swiped on your profile.


    I had the app for 4 month. Stayed in my hometown for 3 month, went to 3 other cities a few days at a time for a few days, and then had hollidays for 2 weeks in another country.


    First 4 weeks : – 4 likes, 2 match. First unmatched me, second never replied.

    After 8 weeks, including the 2 outside my country : 5 likes, one match. One day of conversation. Went nowhere.

    2 months : Back in hometown, 2 likes. Move to another city for a few days, 2 other likes.

    Toward the end of the 3rd month : 3 more likes, 2 of them lead to a match. First one she replied once because she liked my catchphrase. Never replied after. Second one we spoke for days. Suddently stopped replying.


    Deleted the app after that.



    During those 4 months, I must have seen about 600 profiles atleast. Swiped 1/3 of them (maybe less I guess). That would make roughly 200 swipe at best.

    200 swipes. 5 matchs.

    I’ll do the math for you. That means a 2.5% success rate.

    Now only 2 of these match lead to actual meaningfull conversations.


    If you guys don’t have a strong enough ego, don’t try dating apps. For real.

    I prepared myself for anything, but I wasn’t ready for nothing.

  12. 1 or 2 maybe. Pretty good odds they’ll both be bots. Also wouldn’t be unlikely to get zero matches.

  13. Five. If I’m lucky, although I’ll be even luckier, if even one response to my opening message or can actively keep the conversation going without me asking all the questions!

  14. I have a friend, the only person I’ve ever known in my life to be popular on Tinder. He’s Spanish and I think girls like him because they think he will be some kind of sexy Latin lover. But he’s a dorky geotechnical engineer. His pictures look pretty normal. He even wears his dorky glasses in them. I’m still trying to figure out what’s going on.

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